
outlet obstruction due to adenocarcinoma in a patient with Ataxia-Telangiectasia syndrome: a case report and review of the literature. UGI demonstrating complete gastric outlet obstruction.

outlet obstruction • Gastric outlet obstruction - gastric adenocarcinoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

outlet obstruction • Gastric outlet obstruction due to tumoral infiltration - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

acquired gastric outlet obstruction during infancy: a case report. upper GI contrast study shows prepyloric stricture.

duodenal stricture causing gastric outlet obstruction: CT diagnosis with endoscopic correlation. Upright radiograph showed overdistended stomach (*) with intraluminal stagnant fluid despite recent fasting (note air-fluid levels indicated by thick arrows).

duodenal stricture causing gastric outlet obstruction: CT diagnosis with endoscopic correlation. Axial (a, b) images confirmed overdistended stomach with mixed and fluid (*) content, normal, uniform mural thickness. Note air-fluid levels (thick arrows). No other abnormal findings, particularly concerning liver, peritoneum and lymph nodes.

duodenal stricture causing gastric outlet obstruction: CT diagnosis with endoscopic correlation. Axial (a, b) images confirmed overdistended stomach with mixed and fluid (*) content, normal, uniform mural thickness. Note air-fluid levels (thick arrows). No other abnormal findings, particularly concerning liver, peritoneum and lymph nodes.

duodenal stricture causing gastric outlet obstruction: CT diagnosis with endoscopic correlation. Coronal (c, detail d) and axial (detail e) images confirmed overdistended stomach with stagnant fluid (*). The pylorus and proximal duodenum showed circumferential hypoenhancing mural thickening (+) and depressed focal thinning of enhancing mucosal contour (thin arrows).

duodenal stricture causing gastric outlet obstruction: CT diagnosis with endoscopic correlation. Coronal images (c, detail d) confirmed overdistended stomach with stagnant fluid (*). The pylorus and proximal duodenum showed circumferential hypoenhancing mural thickening (+) and depressed focal thinning of enhancing mucosal contour (thin arrows).

duodenal stricture causing gastric outlet obstruction: CT diagnosis with endoscopic correlation. Coronal (c, detail d) and axial (detail e) images confirmed overdistended stomach with stagnant fluid (*). The pylorus and proximal duodenum showed circumferential hypoenhancing mural thickening (+) and depressed focal thinning of enhancing mucosal contour (thin arrows).

duodenal stricture causing gastric outlet obstruction: CT diagnosis with endoscopic correlation. Sagittal images (f, detail g) images confirmed overdistended stomach with stagnant fluid (*). The contracted pylorus and proximal duodenum (arrowheads) showed hypoenhancing mural thickening (+), depressed focal thinning of enhancing mucosal contour (thin arrows). Superior duodenal flexure (§).

duodenal stricture causing gastric outlet obstruction: CT diagnosis with endoscopic correlation. Sagittal images (f, detail g) images confirmed overdistended stomach with stagnant fluid (*). The contracted pylorus and proximal duodenum (arrowheads) showed hypoenhancing mural thickening (+) and depressed focal thinning of enhancing mucosal contour (thin arrows).

outlet obstruction • Malignant gastric outlet obstruction - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

outlet obstruction • Gastric outlet obstruction - gastric carcinoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Magenausgangsstenose (Magenkarzinom) nach Anlage einer Gastroenterostomie: Das getrunkene Kontrastmittel tritt nicht über den anatomischen Weg in das Duodenum über, sondern gelangt in die unten am Magen anastomosierte Jejunalschlinge (am Schleimhautrelief gut erkennbar).

syndrome complicated by distal gallstone ileus after laser lithotropsy using Holmium: YAG laser. 4 cm mass within the duodenum (gallstone) and adjacent gallbladder with air fluid level.

outlet obstruction • Gastric outlet adenocarcinoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

outlet obstruction • Gastric outlet obstruction due to adenocarcinoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

outlet obstruction • Bariatric balloon causing gastric outlet obstruction - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

outlet obstruction • Gastric antral adenocarcinoma with outlet obstruction - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

outlet obstruction • Gastric outlet obstruction - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

adenocarcinoma • Gastric outlet obstruction due to antral adenocarcinoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

outlet obstruction • Gastric outlet obstruction due to gastric balloon - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

outlet obstruction • Gastric outlet obstruction from gastric adenocarcinoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

adenocarcinoma • Gastric outlet obstruction due to antral and pylorus tumoral infiltration - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

adenocarcinoma • Gastric outlet obstruction - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

outlet obstruction • Gastric outlet obstruction due to pyloric adenocarcinoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

outlet obstruction • Gastric balloon causing gastric outlet obstruction and perforation - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

adenocarcinoma • Gastric outlet obstruction - gastric carcinoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Gastric outlet obstruction is a syndrome resulting from mechanical obstruction of stomach emptying.
Gastric outlet obstruction can be due to malignant or benign causes.
- adenocarcinoma (second most common )
- lymphoma (less common than other malignancies as it is a "soft" tumor )
- metastases
- duodenal or gastric peptic ulcers (most common )
- pancreatic pseudocysts
- gastric varices
- granulomatous disease, e.g. Crohn disease, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis
- gallstones (Bouveret syndrome): rare
- strictures, e.g. from caustic substance ingestion
- gastric antral web
- gastric volvulus
- Rapunzel syndrome
See also
Siehe auch:
- Bouveret-Syndrom
- Magenulkus
- hypertrophe Pylorusstenose
- Retentionsmagen
- maligne Magenausgangsstenose
- Magenentleerungsstörung
- präpylorische Webstenose des Magens
- Magenausgangsstenose bei Kindern
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