Megalencephaly-capillary malformation syndrome

A new born
child with M-CM syndrome. A port-wine stain is visible under the nose. On the right side of a cheek, a capillary malformations are present.
Megalencephaly-capillary malformation (MCAP) syndrome, also known as macrocephaly-capillary malformation syndrome, is a rare and well described genetic disorder caused by somatic mutations in the PIK3CA gene on chromosome 3q26 and characterized by early brain overgrowth and body morphogenesis anomalies.
Clinical presentation
MCAP syndrome is related to a unique variety of clinical findings:
- macrocephaly
- cutaneous vascular malformations: usually involve body and face and, less commonly, affect only midline face or body
- distal limb anomalies: syndactyly, soft-tissue toe syndactyly, postaxial syndactyly, sandal-gap toes, brachydactyly, broad thumbs and toes, overlapping toes and hypoplastic toenails
- somatic growth and asymmetry: birth weight, length 2 or more SD above the mean.
- associated with vascular anomalies
- variable degrees of somatic asymmetry can be present, including hemihypertrophy and or leg length discrepancy
- internal vascular abnormalities: a broad spectrum of internal vascular abnormalities are reported in the literature, involving abdominal, bronchial and heart vasculature
- connective tissue dysplasia: skin hyperelasticity and joint hypermobility
- dysmorphic craniofacial features:
- dolichocephaly
- frontal bossing
- depressed nasal bridge
- telecanthus or hypertelorism
- development delay and intellectual disability
Radiographic features
CNS manifestations
Common findings include:
- ventriculomegaly
- hydrocephalus
- asymmetry of the lateral ventricles
- polymicrogyria
- large cerebellum with posterior fossa crowding
- cerebellar tonsil ectopia
- thickened corpus callosum
Less common findings include:
- hemimegalencephaly
- cavum septum pellucidum or vergae
- White matter or myelination defect
- chiari I malformation
- diffuse frontal lobe atrophy
- sagittal sinus thrombosis
- arteriovenous malformation
- cortical dysplasia in the area of the perisylvian fissure
- large venous sinuses
- prominent perivascular spaces
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