Metastases to the uterine cervix

cervix metastasis from a sigmoid adenocarcinoma: a rare presentation of an uncommon tumor. Computed tomography slice of the patient pelvis showing a cervico-isthmic mass.

7-positive/cytokeratin 20-negative cecal adenocarcinoma metastatic to the uterine cervix: a case report. Imaging and physical examinations. a Positron emission tomography-computed tomography shows high 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake consistent with a uterine tumor (red arrow). b Colposcopic view shows a solid white tumor on the posterior fornix (yellow arrowheads). c Pelvic magnetic resonance image of a T2-enhanced sagittal section showing an irregularly enlarged uterine cervical tumor (red arrow)
Metastases to the uterine cervix is an extremely uncommon with near to nothing publications in radiological literature at the time of writing. Generally, invasion of the uterine cervix (i.e. from vaginal and primary uterine malignancies) are excluded in its definition. There have been occasional case reports of cervical metastases with the following primary sites:
- colorectal carcinoma including rectal carcinoma
- gastric carcinoma
- breast carcinoma : as a group
- ovarian cancer : as a group
The presence of cervical invasion is an important parameter in determining the stage of neighboring malignancies.
- endometrial carcinoma
- cervical glandular involvement: stage I
- cervical stromal involvement: stage II
Siehe auch:
- Neoplasien des Ovars
- Kolorektales Karzinom
- Adenokarzinom des Magens
- Zervixkarzinom
- Endometriumkarzinom
- Rektumkarzinom
- Neoplasien der Mamma
- WHO Klassifikation der Tumoren der Cervix uteri
- Metastasen im Uterus
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