Pathologien des Auges
Ocular pathology covers a wide range of conditions and therefore represents the cause of a wide range of symptoms, signs and radiographic features.
Ocular metastases account for over 80% of all ocular pathology. With regard to the remainder of ocular lesions, the primary differentiating factor for ocular pathology is whether or not the lesion is calcified.
- retinoblastoma: commonest primary ocular neoplasm in children
- astrocytic hamartoma
- choroidal osteoma
- optic drusen
- scleral calcification
- retrolental fibroplasia
- phthisis bulbi: including sequelae from old trauma
No calcification
- uveal melanoma: commonest primary ocular neoplasm in adults
- ocular metastasis: 80% of all ocular lesions
- choroidal hemangioma
- vitrous lymphoma
- developmental:
- primary glaucoma
- coloboma
- staphyloma
- trauma:
See also
Siehe auch:
- Bulbus-oculi-Verkalkungen
- Aderhautmelanom
- Staphylom
- Drusen der Papilla nervi optici
- Kolobom
- orbital pathology
- Retinoblastom
- Netzhautablösung
- Osteom der Aderhaut
- Retinopathia praematurorum
- Phthisis bulbi oculi
- Okulare Metastasen
- globe rupture
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