Verletzungen des lateralen Kollateralbandes am Ellenbogen
(radiale) Bandinstabilität am Ellenbogen nach Luxation in der intraoperativen Durchleuchtung vor Bandrekonstruktion.
(radiale) Bandinstabilität am Ellenbogen nach Luxation: Intraoperative Kontrolle mit Aufklappbarkeit/Distanzierung des Radiusköpfchens vom Capitulum humeri.
The elbow:
review of anatomy and common collateral ligament complex pathology using MRI. Posterolateral rotatory instability, stage 3B. Sagittal FS PD-weighted MRI (a) and consecutive coronal FS PD-weighted MRI (b, c) showing a posterolateral subluxation of the radial head (white arrowhead), proximal disruption of the lateral ulnar collateral ligament (white arrow), partial proximal disruption of the radial collateral ligament (yellow arrow), proximal disruption of the anterior bundle of the medial collateral ligament (blue arrow), radial head and posterior capitellar contusions (white asterisks), and joint effusion (black asterisks)
The elbow:
review of anatomy and common collateral ligament complex pathology using MRI. Posterolateral rotatory instability, stage 3B. Coronal T1-weighted MRI (a) and coronal FS PD-weighted MRI (b) showing an acute proximal common avulsion of the lateral ulnar collateral ligament and radial collateral ligament (white arrows), an acute avulsion of the anterior bundle of the medial collateral ligament complex (white arrowheads), a radial head fracture (white asterisks), a partial tear of the proximal common extensor tendon (yellow arrows), and joint effusion
Verletzungen des lateralen Kollateralbandes am Ellenbogen
Siehe auch:
- Ellenbogenluxation
- Lateral (radial) collateral ligament complex of the elbow
- Ellenbogeninstabilität
- medial collateral ligament injury elbow
- Ruptur des gemeinsamen Ursprung der Extensoren am Ellenbogen
- lateral collateral ligament injury of the knee
- radiale Bandinstabilität Ellenbogen
- Verletzungen des lateralen Kollateralbandkomplexes des Ellenbogens
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Verletzungen des lateralen Kollateralbandes am Ellenbogen:
des lateralen Kollateralbandkomplexes des Ellenbogens
Ruptur des
gemeinsamen Ursprung der Extensoren am Ellenbogen