colonic atresia

Newborn with
failure to pass meconium. AXR (left) shows multiple dilated loops of bowel with an extremely dilated loop of bowel in the lower abdomen. AP (above right) and lateral (below right) images from an enema show a microcolon with contrast reaching the level of the cecum but not refluxing the terminal ileum, despite multiple attempts. The diagnosis was colonic atresia.
colonic atresia
Atresie Radiopaedia • CC-by-nc-sa 3.0 • de
Atresia (plural: atresias) refers to a situation where there is absence, underdevelopment or abnormal closure, of a normal anatomical tubular structure or opening.
Contrast this with agenesis which refers to the complete absence of any anatomical structure including its primordial precursors.
For example:
- respiratory tract
- bronchial atresia
- choanal atresia
- tracheal atresia
- laryngeal atresia
- alimentary tract
- bile ducts
- genitourinary tract
- skeleton
Some authors occasionally overlap the two terms (i.e. atresia and agenesis), which in general is an erroneous practice.
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