omental cake
Detection of
peritoneal metastases. Metastatic deposits in the greater omentum. (a) Post contrast axial CT scan in a 49-year-old female with carcinoma of the ovary showing several nodular, ill defined masses in the greater omentum anteriorto the colon. Note also the ascites. (b) Axial post contrast CT scan in a 66-year-old female with adenocarcinoma of the bowel showing a bulky, ‘cake-like’, enhancing omental deposit. (c) Axial post contrast CT scan in a 65-year-old male patient with renal carcinoma showing markedly enhancing deposits within the greater omentum surrounded by ascites. Note also enhancing serosal deposits on the surface of the bowel.
bei muzinösem Kolonkarzinom mit ausgedehnten, relativ hypodensen Tumormassen im Peritoneum verteilt.
Omental cake refers to infiltration of the omental fat by material of soft-tissue density. The appearances refer to the contiguous omental mass simulating the top of a cake. Masses on the peritoneal surfaces and malignant ascites may also be present.
The most common cause is metastases from ovarian, gastric, or colon cancer.
Differential diagnosis
- tuberculous peritonitis may also give this appearance
- lymphoma can present as omental caking, diffuse peritoneal thickening, and ascites, the best clue is significant lymphadenopathy
A core biopsy may be helpful if the primary tumor is unknown.
Siehe auch:
- Infarkt des Omentum majus
- Peritonealkarzinose
- Tuberkulose des Peritoneums
- Mastozytose
- malignant ascites
- pseudoascites
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Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu omental cake: