animal and animal produce inspired signs
Animal and animal produce inspired signs may sound a little silly, but the radiology literature is replete with such signs, some more fanciful than others.
Fish and marine life
- cluster of black pearls sign
- endosteal scalloping: medullary cavity masses, e.g. multiple myeloma
- fish vertebra (also known as codfish vertebra): biconcave vertebrae as seen in osteoporosis
- fishtail deformity of the elbow: due to abnormal trochlear ossification following a distal humeral fracture in childhood
- fishtail pancreas: rare anatomic variant of the pancreas
- lobster claw sign of papillary necrosis
- manta ray sign of bladder exstrophy
- scallop sign of rheumatoid arthritis
- vertebral scalloping: may be anterior or posterior border
- turtleback sign (liver)
- bird beak sign of achalasia (also known as rat tail sign)
- beak sign of arterial dissection or of sigmoid volvulus
- eggshell calcification of silicosis and occasionally sarcoidosis
- gull wing appearance of erosive osteoarthritis
- hummingbird sign or penguin sign
- owl-eyes sign of anterior spinal cord infarction etc.
- pooping duck sign of triquetral fracture
- swan neck deformity of rheumatoid arthritis
- winking owl sign
- anteater nose sign of calcaneonavicular coalition
- bat's wing
- pulmonary opacities, e.g. in alveolar edema
- 4ventricle (Joubert anomaly and related syndromes)
- bear's paw sign: xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
- beaver tail liver
- Brahma bull sign: femoral neck osteochondroma
- buffalo chest: bilateral pneumothoraces due to abnormal communication between the pleural spaces
- bull's eye: evoked in the mind's eye by many a pathology
- bunny waveform sign: Doppler waveform in subclavian steal syndrome
- dog ear sign: fluid/blood in pelvic peritoneal recess
- dural tail: of meningioma and several other dura-based lesions
- ears of the lynx sign: hereditary spastic paraplegia
- eye of tiger sign: classical of Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome
- feline esophagus: horizontal striations seen on barium swallows as a variant of normal
- giraffe sign
- hidebound sign of gastrointestinal scleroderma
- ivory vertebra sign
- joint mouse: intra-articular loose body resulting from osteochondritis dissecans
- leather bottle stomach: of linitis plastica
- leopard skin sign or tigroid pattern
- moose head appearance of corpus callosal dysgenesis
- panda sign
- of the midbrain in Wilson disease
- of sarcoidosis
- piglet sign of osmotic demyelination
- pleural mouse
- raccoon eyes sign
- rat bite erosions of gout
- rat tail sign of arterial dissection or of achalasia (also known as bird-beak sign)
- Scottie dog sign
- Snoopy sign
- staghorn calculus: struvite renal calculi
- tigroid pattern or leopard skin sign
- winking owl sign
- zebra sign: remote cerebellar hemorrhage
- zebra stripe sign: osteogenesis imperfecta
- abdominal cocoon: encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis
- butterfly fracture
- butterfly glioma: glioma crossing midline to the contralateral hemisphere
- butterfly shape of the grey matter of the spinal cord
- butterfly vertebra
- caterpillar sign: of pyloric stenosis
- spider web: intrahepatic veins in hepatic venous outflow obstruction
- cobra head sign of ureterocele
- snake-eye appearance: pathology of anterior horns of cervical grey matter
- snake eyes
- appearance of the facial canal in the petrous temporal bone
- alternative name for owl-eyes sign of spinal cord infarction
- snake sign (or serpent sign)
- turtleback sign (schistosomiasis)
- plankton sign: diagnostic on ultrasound of an exudative pleural effusion
Mythical creatures
- cyclops lesion: usually post-ACL repair
- medusa head
- of a developmental venous anomaly (DVA)
- also a sign of severe portal hypertension (i.e. caput medusae)
- Shmoo sign: left ventricular enlargement
Animal product foods
- cervical hamburger sign: normal cervical facet joints on axial CT
- head cheese sign of hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- honeycomb lung of UIP/pulmonary fibrosis
- ice cream cone sign of the middle ear ossicles
- ice cream cone sign of vestibular schwannoma
- mesenteric hamburger sign (also called sandwich sign): mesenteric nodal mass
- omental cake: metastases to omentum
- sausage digit: underlying inflammatory arthritis or dactylitis
- water bottle sign: massive pericardial effusion
Siehe auch:
- endosteal scalloping
- Developmental Venous Anomaly
- Meningeom
- Gicht
- Sarkoidose
- Rheumatoide Arthritis
- Silikose
- omental cake
- Sigmavolvulus
- Ureterozele
- Morbus Wilson
- butterfly glioma
- Osteoporose
- vegetable and plant inspired signs
- xanthogranulomatöse Pyelonephritis
- Dissektion
- Honigwabenlunge
- Caput medusae
- vierter Ventrikel
- water bottle sign
- inanimate object inspired signs
- fish vertebra
- erosive Arthrose
- Möwenschwingendeformität
- bull's eye sign
- eye of tiger sign
- fruit inspired signs
- Joubert-Syndrom
- Nierenausgussstein
- Eierschalenverkalkungen
- Neurodegeneration mit Eisenablagerung im Gehirn
- sausage digit
- scalloping Wirbelkörper
- Dural-Tail-Zeichen
- panda sign
- anteater's nose sign
- head cheese sign
- pleural mouse
- Schwanenhalsdeformität
- feline oesophagus
- pulmonary opacity
- cobra head sign
- lobster claw sign
- Papillennekrose der Niere
- bear's paw sign
- beak sign
- Zyklopsläsion
- bird-beak sign
- fishtail deformity
- szirrhöses Magenkarzinom
- scotty dog sign
- mesenteric hamburger sign
- gastrointestinal scleroderma
- hidebound sign
- rat tail sign
und weiter:

vegetable and
plant inspired signs