butterfly glioma

glioma: A pretty name for an ugly glioblastoma. T1SE. Lesion is hypointense, with disperse areas of hyperintensity, possibly corresponding to intratumoral haemorrhage.

glioma: A pretty name for an ugly glioblastoma. T1SE + GD. Marked peripheral enhancement. No internal enhancement, suggests internal necrosis.

glioma: A pretty name for an ugly glioblastoma. T1SE + GD. Complementing fig.2b, coronal view shows an area of discontinuation of the peripheral enhancement in the interphase between tumour and left ventricle. Corresponds to tumour nerosis/haemorrhage leakage to ventricles.

glioma: A pretty name for an ugly glioblastoma. T2TSE. Tumour is markedly, though heterogeneously hyperintense.

glioma: A pretty name for an ugly glioblastoma. T2GE. Disperse areas of T2* signal drop, especially in left-hemispheric component, represent intratumoral haemorrhagic foci.

glioma: A pretty name for an ugly glioblastoma. FLAIR. Markedly hyperintense.

glioma: A pretty name for an ugly glioblastoma. DWI b1000 Multiple internal and peripheral tumour foci of high intensity.

glioma: A pretty name for an ugly glioblastoma. ADC-map signal-drop correlates with DWI . These areas probably mostly correspond to false restriction due to haemorrhagic foci. Moreso because these areas present low T2*WI signal (fig.2e) and low CBV (fig.2i).

glioma: A pretty name for an ugly glioblastoma. Perfusion rCBV. Increased perfusion in periphery of tumour. Marked decrease in the internal component.
Butterfly gliomas are a high grade astrocytoma, usually a glioblastoma (WHO grade IV), which crosses the midline via the corpus callosum. Other white matter commissures are also occasionally involved. The term butterfly refers to the symmetric wing-like extensions across the midline.
Most frequently butterfly gliomas occur in the frontal lobes, crossing via the genu of the corpus callosum, however posterior butterflies are also encountered.
Treatment and prognosis
Like all high grade gliomas the prognosis is dismal, and usually no attempt at 'curative' resection is made.
Differential diagnosis
- primary CNS lymphoma: especially in AIDS patients
- cerebral toxoplasmosis: especially in AIDS patients
- tumefactive demyelination
- cerebral metastases (rare)
- occasionally a leptomeningeal process which fills the quadrigeminal and ambient cisterns can cause confusion
Siehe auch:
- Hirnmetastase
- Glioblastoma multiforme
- Neurotoxoplasmose
- primäres ZNS-Lymphom
- ambient cistern
- tumefaktive Demyelinisierung
- Gliom
- quadrigeminal
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