ambient cistern
The ambient cistern is part of the subarachnoid cisterns, filled with CSF.
Gross anatomy
The ambient cistern is a thin, sheet-like extension of the quadrigeminal cistern that extends laterally around the midbrain and posterior to the thalami. It acts as the connection between the quadrigeminal cistern and the interpeduncular cistern. The term "ambient cistern" may be used to refer to these connections and the quadrigeminal cistern as a whole.
It contains several vessels and nerves:
- posterior cerebral arteries
- superior cerebellar arteries
- basal veins of Rosenthal
- trochlear nerve (CN IV)
Siehe auch:
- Cerebellum
- tektales Lipom
- Corpus callosum
- Cisterna quadrigeminalis
- interpeduncular cistern
- Mesencephalon
- dritter Ventrikel
- subarachnoidale Zisternen
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