per vaginal bleeding in the exam
It is important to have a systematic way of approaching a case with per vaginal bleeding in the exam.
- embedded IUD
- lost IUD
- submucosal fibroid
Pregnancy related
- perigestational hemorrhage
- intrauterine fetal demise
- ectopic pregnancy
- ruptured ectopic
- cervical ectopic
- interstitial ectopic
- casarian scar ectopic
- anembryonic pregnancy
- gestational trophoblastic disease
- placenta previa
- placental abruption
- retained products of conception (RPOC)
Related Radiopaedia articles
Exam technique
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- viva technique
- common pathology
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- how to practice and not waste time
- practice your oral technique in the shower
- islands of knowledge and puddles of ignorance
- the secret art of relevant negatives
- never surprise your examiner
- viva preparation
Siehe auch:
- endometrial polyp
- perigestational haemorrhage
- gestational trophoblastic disease
- Extrauteringravidität
- Endometriumkarzinom
- endometrial hyperplasia
- interstitial ectopic pregnancy
- Abortivei
- cervical ectopic pregnancy
- retained products of conception
- Fehlgeburt
- Placenta praevia
- Vorzeitige Plazentalösung
- viva technique
- viva preparation
- gynaecological ultrasound set-pieces
- submuköses Leiomyofibrom des Uterus