Linear regression (machine learning)
Linear regression in machine learning is a form of supervised learning, derived from the linear regression models in statistics. It operates under the assumption that two variables have a linear relationship, therefore, can calculate the value of an output variable based on the input variable. Linear regression is often referred to as a predictive model.
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Artificial intelligence
- artificial intelligence (AI)
- imaging data sets
- computer-aided diagnosis (CAD)
- natural language processing
- machine learning (overview)
- visualizing and understanding neural networks
- common data preparation/preprocessing steps
- DICOM to bitmap conversion
- dimensionality reduction
- scaling
- centering
- normalization
- principal component analysis
- training, testing and validation datasets
- augmentation
- loss function
- optimization algorithms
- momentum (Nesterov)
- stochastic gradient descent
- mini-batch gradient descent
- regularisation
- linear and quadratic
- batch normalization
- ensembling
- rule-based expert systems
- glossary
- activation function
- anomaly detection
- automation bias
- backpropagation
- batch size
- computer vision
- concept drift
- cost function
- confusion matrix
- convolution
- cross validation
- curse of dimensionality
- dice similarity coefficient
- dimensionality reduction
- epoch
- explainable artificial intelligence/XAI
- feature extraction
- federated learning
- gradient descent
- ground truth
- hyperparameters
- image registration
- imputation
- iteration
- jaccard index
- linear algebra
- noise reduction
- normalization
- R (Programming language)
- Python (Programming language)
- segmentation
- semi-supervised learning
- synthetic and augmented data
- overfitting
- transfer learning