acrofacial dyostosis
The Nager syndrome (also known as acrofacial dysostosis) is a rare congenital syndrome primarily characterized by facial and skeletal features
Clinical presentation
Recognized features include:
- facial:
- antimongoloid slant
- lower lid ptosis
- microtia
- micrognathia
- mandibular hypoplasia
- hearing loss
- auricular tags
- cleft lip + / - palate
- other skeletal:
- radial hypoplasia or radial aplasia
- fibular hypoplasia or fibular aplasia
- radio-ulnar synostosis
- thumb anomalies
- hypoplastic thumbs
- thumb aplasia
- triphalangeal thumb
- syndactyly
In addition there can also be tracheal and laryngeal anomalies
There may be agenetic defect localized to chromosome 9q32. Most cases are thought to be sporadic. Occasional autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant forms have been described.
History and etymology
It was initially described by Nager and deReynier in 1948
Siehe auch:
- Radioulnare Synostose
- Mikrognathie
- Syndaktylie
- Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-Spalte
- Franceschetti-Zwahlen-Syndrom
- Goldenhar-Gorlin-Syndrom
- dreigliedriger Daumen
- Mandibulo-faziale Dysostose-Mikrozephalie-Syndrom
- Daumenaplasie
- Ohrmuschelfehlbildung
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