Benign liver tumors in infants and children
Pediatric benign liver tumors are a relatively rare, but important group of conditions. Importantly, the commonest cause of a benign liver tumor is specific to the pediatric population. The list in descending order of frequency is:
- infantile hepatic hemangioma (previously hemangioendothelioma)
- mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver
- focal nodular hyperplasia
- hepatic adenoma
- nodular regenerative hyperplasia
- benign lipomatous tumors (angiomyolipoma and lipoma)
- benign biliary tumors (biliary cystadenoma, bile duct hamartoma, adenoma, and papillary adenoma)
- congenital hepatic cyst
See also
Siehe auch:
- Leberadenom
- Fokale noduläre Hyperplasie
- mesenchymales Leberhamartom
- pädiatrische Lebertumoren
- Leberhämangiom bei Kindern
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