childhood malignancies
malignancies in childhood
childhood malignancies
Unfortunately the pediatric population is susceptible to malignancies. The most common entities, in overall order of frequency, are :
- leukemia/lymphoma: ~35% *
- central nervous system malignancies: ~20%
- see brain tumors in infancy
- see brain tumors in childhood
- solid tumors
- blastomas: ~15%
- neuroblastoma: 7%
- Wilms tumor: 6%
- retinoblastoma
- sarcomas: ~10%
- rhabdomyosarcoma: 3%
- osteosarcoma: 3%
- Ewing sarcoma: 2%
- blastomas: ~15%
It is important to note that the incidence of various tumors varies with age, and thus the order above is not true throughout childhood .
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