
spectrum of abnormal subcutaneous and visceral fat distribution. A 45-year-old man with multiple symmetrical lipomatosis with sleep apnea. a Axial T2-weighted and (b) T1-weighted image show abnormal subcutaneous fat deposition in the anterior (arrows) and posterior neck (asterisks). Note the increase of adipose tissue also observed in the posterior pharyngeal space (small arrows). c Post liposuction axial and (d) sagittal reconstructed CT 2 years later. Subcutaneous fat volume in the anterior neck is markedly decreased (arrows), whereas in contrast, the fat deposition in the posterior neck has worsened (asterisk)
Lipomatosis is a condition where there is diffuse excessive fat deposition within the body. This can especially affect certain regions.
- neck and upper region of trunk
- heart
- abdomen and pelvis
- abdomen: diffuse intraabodminal lipomatosis
- retroperitoneum: retroperitoneal lipomatosis
- pelvis: pelvic lipomatosis
- pancreas: pancreatic lipomatosis
- ileocecal valve: lipomatosis of the ileocecal valve
- colon: colonic lipomatosis
- renal:
- epidural space: epidural lipomatosis
Associations conditions
Differential diagnosis
Possible imaging differential considerations include:
- lipoma: "distinct" fat-containing lesion
- low grade diffuse fat series tumor
See also
Siehe auch:
- epidurale Lipomatose
- Pankreaslipomatose
- Cauda equina Lipom
- Lipomatöse Hypertrophie des interatrialen Septums
- mediastinale Lipomatose
- familial multiple lipomatosis (FML )
- Haberland-Syndrom
- Madelung-Krankheit
- pelvine Lipomatose
- symmetrische Adenolipomatose
- abnormale subkutane und viszerale Fettverteilung
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