
dissecans and Osgood Schlatter disease in a family with Stickler syndrome. Patient 1: Vertebral column lateral radiogram at age of 15 years showed platyspondyly with anterior end-plate irregularity associated with irregular surfaces of the superior and inferior apophyses.

• Platyspondyly - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

stature, platyspondyly, hip dysplasia, and retinal detachment: an atypical type II collagenopathy caused by a novel mutation in the C-propeptide region of COL2A1: a case report. a Photograph of the proband (IV: 3) showing flattened facial profile, micrognathia, short neck, and short trunk. b Whole spine lateral radiograph showing oval-shaped vertebral bodies. c Pelvis, femur, and tibial AP radiograph showing retarded ossification of the femoral heads while other ossification centers are age-appropriate. d Chest radiograph showing age-appropriate ossification centers at humeral heads and greater tuberosities of humeri. e, f Hand and foot AP radiographs are normal

stature, platyspondyly, hip dysplasia, and retinal detachment: an atypical type II collagenopathy caused by a novel mutation in the C-propeptide region of COL2A1: a case report. a Photograph of proband’s father (III: 1) showing disproportionate short stature and barrel-shaped chest. b, c Hand and feet radiographs are normal without brachydactyly. d Lateral radiograph of the thoracolumbar spine shows platyspondyly with kyphotic deformity. e Pelvis AP radiograph showing severe hip dysplasia and dislocation. f Thoracolumbar spine and pelvis AP radiographs of the proband’s grandfather also show platyspondyly and severe hip dysplasia and dislocation
Platyspondyly is a radiographic feature and refers to flattened vertebral bodies throughout the axial skeleton.
Platyspondyly can be feature of many conditions which include:
- severe Gaucher disease
- metatrophic dysplasia
- Morquio syndrome
- osteogenesis imperfecta
- Roberts syndrome
- thanatophoric dysplasia
- Kniest dysplasia
See also
- vertebra plana: single flattened vertebral body
Siehe auch:
- Hämangiom der Wirbelsäule
- Osteomyelitis
- Aseptische Knochennekrose
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- vertebrale Metastasen
- Achondroplasie
- Vertebra plana
- Multiples Myelom
- Osteoporose
- Spondyloepiphysäre Dysplasie
- Thanatophore Dysplasie
- Roberts-Syndrom
- Morbus Gaucher
- Hypophosphatasie
- Kniest-Syndrom
- Stickler-Syndrom
- Hypothyreose
- skeletale Manifestationen der Langerhanszell-Histiozytose
- Metatrophe Dysplasie
- Dysosteosklerose
- Spondylometaphysäre Dysplasie
- Mukopolysaccharidose Typ IV
- Homozystinurie
- Spondyloepimetaphysäre Dysplasie
- Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen-Syndrom
- Dreyfus-Syndrom
- Kongenitales Cushing-Syndrom
- Polytope Dysostose
und weiter:

Manifestationen der Langerhanszell-Histiozytose