verkalktes Corpus pineale

(hier in der Computertomographie) sind auch bei Kindern (hier 13 Jahre) normal und keine Pathologie.

kräftig, aber nicht ungewöhnlich. Plexus choroideus auch in normalem Maß verkalkt. Computertomographie.

nervous system germinoma • Pineal tumor calcification (illustration) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
verkalktes Corpus pineale
intrakranielle Verkalkungen Radiopaedia • CC-by-nc-sa 3.0 • de
Intracranial calcifications are common in certain locations and often are of no clinical concern.
The two most commonly encountered types of calcification include:
Concerning calcifications are much less common and occur in a variety of settings, including
- infection
- metabolic
- previous cerebral insult
- healed cerebral abscess
- healed infarct
- healed hematoma
- vascular malformation
- radiation
- neurodegeneration
In these cases it is also important to exclude normal calcifications.
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