benigne Nierentumoren

an beiden Nieren (Pfeile) in der Computertomographie. Die Tumore sind wegen ihres Fettgehaltes hypodens.

angiomyolipoma • Renal angiomyolipoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

with an abdominal mass. Sagittal US of the left kidney (above) shows a multicystic renal mass involving most of the left kidney. Coronal (lower left) and axial (lower right) T1 MRI with contrast of the abdomen shows the left renal mass to contain multiple thin septations and to have no solid component.The diagnosis was multilocular cystic nephroma.

A rare case
of renal oncocytoma associated with erythrocytosis: case report. Preoperative MRI. MRI showing a solid right lower pole mass, well circumscribed with inhomogeneous internal structure.

Onkozytom der
rechten Niere (im Bild links) in der Computertomographie. Typisches Radspeichenphänomen. die meisten Onkozytome sind jedoch ct-morphologisch nicht von anderen Nierentumoren, insbesondere vom klarzelligen Nierenzellkarzinom zu unterscheiden.

leiomyoma: a case report and literature review. Abdominal CT demonstrating renal mass

leiomyoma: a case report and literature review. Abdominal CT demonstrating renal mass

renal lymphangiectasia. Coronal reformatted CT image showing bilateral perinephric and peripelvic fluid collections.

A case of
atypical reninoma with mild hypertension and normal plasma renin activity but elevated plasma renin concentration. Abdominal contrast-enhanced CT and 18F-FDG PET-CT. A solid, circumscribed, low-density, cortical lesion (15 mm x13 mm) in the posterior lip of the left kidney, which appears to be moderately enhanced. There was no obvious enhancement in the arterial phase, but it was progressive in the venous phase and delayed phase. B mild FDG uptake in the mass

CT features
of bilateral renal lymphangiectasia. This image shows normal passage of contrast with compression over the right kidney without evidence of hydronephrosis and hydroureter.

laparoscopic partial nephrectomy for treatment of metanephric adenoma (Report of 6 cases). Preoperative CT scan. a Non-contrast CT scan results indicated that there was soft tissue density shadows in the lower-middle portion of the right kidney, with a clear boundary, a size of 4.2 × 3.8 cm and a CT value of 30–36 HU. b, c The density is uniform, and the enhancement degree of the tumor was significantly lower than that of the surrounding normal renal parenchyma

metanephric adenoma with Fanconi–Bickel syndrome: a case report and review of literature. Radiological evaluation. A Renal ultrasound documented a sharply marginated peripheral hypoechoic hypovascular mass at the upper pole of the left kidney measuring 2 × 2 cm. B, C Computerized tomography scan of the abdomen showing a partially exophytic homogenously enhancing mass at the upper pole of the left kidney measuring 1.8 × 1.9 × 2 cm

follow-up of renal adenomatosis with magnetic resonance imaging: a case report. Iodine-enhanced CT images acquired in October 2018. a On unenhanced CT images, a slightly hyperdense and exophytic-growing nodule was observed (pathological analysis showed epithelioid angiomyolipoma) at the posterior aspect of the right kidney. b In arterial-phase CT images, the epithelioid angiomyolipoma was significantly enhanced. In addition, there were multiple small renal nodules (pathological analysis showed papillary adenomas) with poor enhancement in the bilateral kidneys. c, d On nephrographic and excretory-phase computed tomography images, the epithelioid angiomyolipoma (black arrow) was hypodense relative to the adjacent renal cortex. The papillary adenomas were iso- to hypodense in the renal cortex in the excretory phase

follow-up of renal adenomatosis with magnetic resonance imaging: a case report. Abdominal MRI performed in August 2020. a On axial T2-weighted images, multiple papillary adenomas were observed in the renal cortices of the bilateral kidneys (arrow and arrowhead). Progression of the tumors was evident based on the increased tumor size and tumor number. b, c On axial diffusion-weighted images and apparent diffusion coefficient maps, more renal adenomas were noted in the bilateral kidneys with diffusion restriction (arrow and arrowhead). The imaging features remained consistent with those seen 10 years earlier. d, e, f On axial dynamic contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images with fat suppression, papillary adenomas present isointensity relative to the renal parenchyma on unenhanced images and relatively poor contrast enhancement in the arterial and venous phases (arrow and arrowhead). These imaging characteristics remained consistent with those seen 10 years earlier

follow-up of renal adenomatosis with magnetic resonance imaging: a case report. Abdominal MRI with contrast enhancement performed in January 2010. a On axial fat-saturated T2-weighted images, papillary adenomas present as well-defined hypointense nodules (arrow and arrowhead) in the bilateral renal parenchyma. b, c Papillary adenomas present high signal intensity (arrow and arrowhead) on axial diffusion-weighted (b-value: 800) images and low signal intensity (arrow and arrowhead) on the corresponding apparent diffusion coefficient maps, suggesting diffusion restriction. d, e, f On axial dynamic contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images with fat suppression, papillary adenomas present isointensity in the renal parenchyma on unenhanced images and relatively poor contrast enhancement in the arterial and venous phases (arrow and arrowhead)

intervention in renovascular disease: a pictorial review. Large left renal AML as seen on CT (a, white arrow) and angiography (b, black arrow) subsequently embolised with sclerosing agent (ethanol) (c)

myelolipoma: a rare extra-adrenal tumor in a rare site: a case report and review of the literature. Computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis showing parenchymal mass of fat density of the right kidney (arrow).

renal lymphangiectasia. Ultrasound image of the right kidney showing multiple anechoic spaces with septations in the perinephric region and in the renal sinus.
Benign renal tumors were histologically classified according to the World Health Organization . This is the subset of entities in the 2016 WHO classification of renal tumors that are associated with an International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O) behavior code of 0, indicating benign tumors. This article also separately includes entities with a behavior code of 1, indicating unspecified, borderline, or uncertain behavior. The remainder of entities in the WHO classification are considered malignant.
Benign tumors
Renal cell tumors
Metanephric tumors
Nephroblastic and cystic tumors occurring mainly in children
Mesenchymal tumors occurring mainly in children
Mesenchymal tumors occurring mainly in adults
- angiomyolipoma
- leiomyoma
- hemangioma
- lymphangioma
- juxtaglomerular cell tumor
- renomedullary interstitial cell tumor
- schwannoma
Mixed epithelial and stromal tumor family
Neuroendocrine tumors
Tumors of unspecified, borderline, or uncertain behavior
Renal cell tumors
- multilocular cystic renal neoplasm of low malignant potential
- clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma
Metanephric tumors
- metanephric stromal cell tumor
Nephroblastic and cystic tumors occurring mainly in children
Mesenchymal tumors occurring mainly in children
Mesenchymal tumors occurring mainly in adults
Siehe auch:
- Angiomyolipom der Niere
- Lymphangiektasie der Niere
- multilokuläres zystisches Nephrom
- Onkozytom der Niere
- papilläres Adenom der Nieren
- metanephrisches Nierenadenom
- Adenome der Nieren
- Leiomyom der Niere
- Juxtaglomerulärer Zelltumor (Reninom)
- metanephrisches Adenofibrom
- kindlicher ossifizierender Nierentumor
- Schwannom der Niere
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