Clavicle series (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists

A clavicle series (or clavicle x-ray) is a set of two images taken of the clavicle to determine whether there is evidence of injury or bony abnormality.

Reference article

This is a summary article. For more information, you can read a more in-depth reference article: clavicle series.


  • indications
    • suspicion of bony injury
  • procedure
    • 2 views of clavicle
      • straight AP of the clavicle
      • oblique AP of the clavicle (15 degrees)
  • similar tests
    • shoulder x-ray
      • centered over the shoulder
      • AP and oblique view to look for dislocation
  • important pathology
Medical student radiology curriculum