Musculoskeletal radiology for students (curriculum)
This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists
The medical student musculoskeletal radiology curriculum represents a core set of common pathologies and presentations that are key to understand during any orthopedic attachment in medical school.
Related Radiopaedia articles
Medical student radiology curriculum
- radiology for students
- neuroradiology
- imaging
- key findings
- conditions
- presentations
- cardiac radiology
- chest radiology
- imaging
- key findings
- conditions
- presentations
- breathlessness
- cough
- hemoptysis
- wheeze
- pleuritic chest pain
- abdominal radiology
- imaging
- key findings
- conditions
- upper GI
- lower GI
- hepatopancreatobiliary
- genitourinary
- vascular
- breast
- presentations
- musculoskeletal radiology
- imaging
- key findings
- interpretation
- conditions
- upper limb
- lower limb
- pelvic fractures
- proximal femoral fractures
- distal fibula fracture
- 5th metatarsal fracture
- pediatrics
- spine
- major trauma
- joint pain/arthritis
- presentations
- upper limb
- lower limb
- hip trauma
- lower limb injury
- foot and ankle injury
- joint pain/arthritis
- obstetrics and gynecology imaging
- imaging
- pelvic US - transabdominal
- pelvic US - transvaginal
- hysterosalpingogram
- CT abdomen
- MRI pelvis
- key findings
- endometrial thickening
- ovarian cysts
- conditions
- non-obstetric
- pelvic inflammatory disease
- tubo-ovarian abscess
- ovarian torsion
- ovarian neoplasms
- endometriosis
- endometrial hyperplasia
- endometrial carcinoma
- cervical cancer
- obstetric
- normal pregnancy
- abnormal first trimester
- ectopic pregnancy
- heterotopic pregnancy
- twins
- non-obstetric
- presentations
- PV bleeding
- pelvic pain
- PV discharge
- early pregnancy
- imaging
- pediatric radiology
- imaging
- key findings
- conditions
- presentations
Siehe auch:
- Abrissfraktur der Spina iliaca anterior inferior
- Avulsionsfraktur Basis Metatarsale 5
- DISI-Fehlstellung
- Morbus Bechterew
- Kompaktainsel
- Hyperextensionsfraktur HWS teardrop
- Radiusköpfchenfraktur
- Danis-Weber classification
- Osteom
- PISI-Fehlstellung
- Galeazzi-Fraktur
- Osteoid-Osteom
- Colles-Fraktur
- Chauffeur-Fraktur
- Enchondrom
- Gicht
- Chondrosarkom
- kartilaginäre Exostose
- Osteopoikilose
- Osteosarkom
- Aneurysmatische Knochenzyste
- Chordom
- Monteggia-Fraktur
- Densfraktur
- Jones-Fraktur
- Pectus excavatum
- einfache (juvenile) Knochenzyste
- Barton Fraktur
- Arthrose
- Skoliose
- Rhabdomyosarkom
- Liposarkom
- Brodie-Abszess
- Schulterluxation
- Schipperfraktur
- Ellenbogenluxation
- Multiples Myelom
- Kalkaneusfraktur
- Akromegalie
- Tarsale Koalition
- Tillauxfraktur
- SLAP-Läsion
- Multiple kartilaginäre Exostosen
- Osteopetrose
- Patellafraktur
- Jefferson-Fraktur
- Maisonneuve-Fraktur
- Dermatomyositis
- Morbus Wilson
- Pectus carinatum
- Frakturen der Halswirbelsäule
- Beckenfraktur
- Pigmentierte villonoduläre Synovialitis
- Systemische Sklerodermie
- systemischer Lupus Erythematodes
- Pleomorphes Undifferenziertes Sarkom
- Ewing-Sarkom
- Osteoblastom
- proximale Humerusfrakturen
- Lipoma arborescens
- chance fracture
- distale Radiusfraktur
- Synovialsarkom
- Psoriasisarthritis
- Schenkelhalsfraktur
- Lisfranc Luxationsfraktur
- Avulsionsfrakturen am Knie
- ossäre Bankart-Läsion
- Histiozytose X
- Ossifizierendes Fibrom
- Hämochromatose
- Rotatorenmanschette
- Garden classification
- Berstungsfraktur
- Melorheostose
- Smith-Fraktur
- hangman fracture
- Scaphoidfraktur
- Ochronose
- Essex-Lopresti fracture
- tuberkulöse Spondylitis
- facet dislocation
- Pilon tibiale Fraktur
- Hyperflexionsfraktur HWS teardrop
- erosive Arthrose
- Muskulatur
- Knochentumoren
- Madelung-Deformität
- Riesenzelltumor des Knochens
- Kalziumpyrophosphat-Ablagerungskrankheit
- bones
- AC-Gelenksprengung
- Knochenmetastasen
- curriculum
- rotator cuff tear grading
- amyloid deposition
- posterior dislocation
- Hill-Sachs
- subcoracoidales Impingement
- Luxation nach vorne
- seronegative arthritis
- Triplane-Fraktur
- Luxationsfrakturen von Radius und Ulna
und weiter:

der Spina iliaca anterior inferior