radiologisches muskuloskelettales Curriculum
The musculoskeletal curriculum is one of our curriculum articles and aims to be a collection of articles that represent the core of musculoskeletal knowledge.
Topics pertaining to bones, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, but excluding the skeletal structures of the head.
Core anatomical topics include:
Upper limb
- bones and muscles: rotator cuff
- joints:
- regions and spaces: carpal tunnel
Lower limb and pelvis
Spine and chest wall
- content pending
Radiological examinations
Plain radiography is the baseline imaging modality in most musculoskeletal problems. Other common musculoskeletal imaging modalities and imaging-guided procedures include:
- CT
- ultrasound: rotator cuff ultrasound
- arthrography
Upper limb
- shoulder injury
- acromioclavicular dislocation
- glenohumeral dislocation
- Hill-Sachs and bony Bankart lesions
- glenoid labrum injuries:
- glenohumeral ligament injuries
- rotator cuff tear grading
- subcoracoid impingement
- arm injury
- wrist injury
- hand injury
Lower limb
- pelvic and hip injury
- knee injury
- ankle injury
- foot injury
- cervical spine fractures
- Jefferson fracture
- odontoid process fracture
- hangman fracture
- clay-shoveler fracture
- flexion teardrop fracture
- extension teardrop fracture
- hyperflexion fracture-dislocation
- burst fracture
- wedge fracture
- facet dislocation
- anterior subluxation
- atlantooccipital dissociation
- thoracolumbar spine fractures
Bone tumors
There are a bewildering number of bone tumors. Below are listed those considered important either because they are common, or because they are important or because they have specific imaging findings. For a more complete list, please refer to: bone tumors.
- bone-forming tumors
- cartilage-forming tumors
- fibrous bone lesions
- bone marrow tumors
- bony metastases
- other bone tumors or tumor-like lesions:
Soft tissue tumors
- malignant fibrous histiocytoma
- liposarcoma
- synovial cell sarcoma
- rhabdomyosarcoma
- pigmented villonodular synovitis
- lipoma arborescens
- general
- degenerative
- inflammatory
- metabolic and endocrine
- septic arthritis
- osteomyelitis
- pyogenic
- tuberculous
- fungal
- syphilitic
Congenital and developmental
- upper limb
- lower limb
- spine and chest wall
- pectus carinatum and excavatum
- rib anomalies
- scoliosis
- general
Sports medicine
Sports medicine encompasses more than just musculoskeletal disease but in radiology, this is the main interaction with this specialty. The following topics concentrate on overuse injuries but bearing in mind that sports medicine encompasses some of the above topics but especially trauma. It should also be noted that many of these conditions can occur outside the sports medicine setting.
- stress fracture
- tendon pathology
- tendinopathy
- tendinosis
- tendinitis
- tenosynovitis
- paratenonosis
- tendon instability
Upper limb
- shoulder girdle
- tendinopathy: biceps brachii long head, rotator cuff
- calcific tendinitis
- glenoid labral tear
- adhesive capsulitis
- pectoralis major tear
- osteolysis of the distal clavicle
- quadrilateral space syndrome
- stress fracture/reaction of the proximal humerus
- elbow
- overhead sport injury
- valgus extension overload syndrome
- ulnar collateral ligament injuries
- posterior olecranon impingement
- ulnar neuritis
- flexor-pronator muscle mass injuries
- medial epicondyle apophysitis
- olecranon stress fractures
- osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum
- little leaguer's elbow
- epicondylitis
- tendinopathy: distal biceps, distal triceps
- bursitis: olecranon
- overhead sport injury
- wrist and hand
- intersection syndrome
- de Quervain tenosynovitis
- tendinopathy - extensor carpi ulnaris
- finger pulley injuries
- triangular fibrocartilage complex tear
- costochondritis
- sternoclavicular joint injury
- rib stress fracture
- rib tip syndrome
Pelvis and lower limb
- pelvis and hip
- bursitis: trochanteric, ischial, iliopsoas
- tendinopathy: gluteus minimus/medius, tensor fascia lata
- piriformis syndrome
- sciatic nerve compression
- acetabular labral injury
- femoroacetebular impingement
- anterior hip impingement
- transient osteoporosis of the hip
- adductor injury
- iliopsoas injury
- sportsman's hernia
- osteitis pubis
- snapping hip
- stress fracture: femoral neck, pubic rami
- thigh
- hamstring injury
- quadriceps injury
- meralgia paraesthetica
- knee
- ligament tear: anterior cruciate, posterior cruciate, medial collateral, lateral collateral
- posterolateral corner injury
- posteromedial corner injury
- meniscal tear
- patellar maltracking
- patellar dislocation
- osteochondritis dissecans
- chondromalacia patellae
- tendinopathy: quadriceps, patellar, popliteus
- medial plica syndrome
- iliotibial band friction syndrome
- bursitis: pes anserinus, prepatellar, suprapatellar
- leg
- medial tibial stress syndrome
- stress fracture: tibia and fibula
- gastrocnemius/soleus injury
- popliteal artery entrapment
- ankle
- ligament injury: lateral collateral, medial collateral, syndesmosis
- ankle impingement: anterior, posterior
- Achilles tendon rupture
- tendinopathy: Achilles, tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus, peroneal
- bursitis: retrocalcaneal, retro-Achilles
- stress fracture: calcaneal, distal fibular, medial malleolar, talar
- sinus tarsi syndrome
- foot
- stress fracture: navicular, cuboid, cuneiform, metatarsal, sesamoid
- bursitis: adventitial
- accessory navicular syndrome
- plantar fasciitis
- cuboid syndrome
- sesamoiditis
- Haglund syndrome
Related Radiopaedia articles
- curriculum
- anatomy curriculum
- imaging curricula
- breast curriculum
- cardiac curriculum
- central nervous system curriculum
- chest curriculum
- gastrointestinal curriculum
- gynecology curriculum
- head and neck curriculum
- hepatobiliary curriculum
- intervention curriculum
- musculoskeletal curriculum
- obstetric curriculum
- pediatric curriculum
- post-mortem and forensic curriculum
- urogenital curriculum
- vascular curriculum
- medical student curriculum
- pathology curriculum
- general pathology
- systemic pathology
- pathology of the vascular system
- cardiac pathology
- pathology of the hematological and lymphatic systems
- pathology of the lung and pleura
- pathology of the head and neck
- pathology of the gastrointestinal system
- pathology of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas
- pathology of the kidney and urinary tract
- pathology of the male genital system
- pathology of the female genital system
- pathology of the breast
- pathology of the endocrine system
- pathology of the skin
- pathology of the musculoskeletal system and soft tissues
- pathology of the nervous system
- pathology of the ocular system
- physics curriculum
- radiography curriculum
- general radiography curriculum
- CT curriculum
- ultrasound
- nuclear medicine
- radiation therapy
Siehe auch:
- Abrissfraktur der Spina iliaca anterior inferior
- Avulsionsfraktur Basis Metatarsale 5
- DISI-Fehlstellung
- Morbus Bechterew
- Kompaktainsel
- Hyperextensionsfraktur HWS teardrop
- Radiusköpfchenfraktur
- Danis-Weber classification
- Osteom
- PISI-Fehlstellung
- Galeazzi-Fraktur
- Osteoid-Osteom
- Chauffeur-Fraktur
- Colles-Fraktur
- Enchondrom
- Gicht
- kartilaginäre Exostose
- Osteopoikilose
- Chondrosarkom
- Aneurysmatische Knochenzyste
- Osteosarkom
- Chordom
- Monteggia-Fraktur
- Densfraktur
- Pectus excavatum
- einfache (juvenile) Knochenzyste
- Jones-Fraktur
- Barton Fraktur
- Arthrose
- Rhabdomyosarkom
- Brodie-Abszess
- Skoliose
- Schulterluxation
- Liposarkom
- Ellenbogenluxation
- Schipperfraktur
- Multiples Myelom
- Kalkaneusfraktur
- Akromegalie
- Tarsale Koalition
- Tillauxfraktur
- SLAP-Läsion
- Multiple kartilaginäre Exostosen
- Jefferson-Fraktur
- Maisonneuve-Fraktur
- Dermatomyositis
- Osteopetrose
- Frakturen der Halswirbelsäule
- Pigmentierte villonoduläre Synovialitis
- Morbus Wilson
- Beckenfraktur
- Patellafraktur
- Pectus carinatum
- Systemische Sklerodermie
- systemischer Lupus Erythematodes
- proximale Humerusfrakturen
- Pleomorphes Undifferenziertes Sarkom
- Ewing-Sarkom
- Osteoblastom
- Lipoma arborescens
- chance fracture
- distale Radiusfraktur
- Synovialsarkom
- Psoriasisarthritis
- ossäre Bankart-Läsion
- Schenkelhalsfraktur
- Lisfranc Luxationsfraktur
- Histiozytose X
- Avulsionsfrakturen am Knie
- fracture-dislocations of the radius and ulna
- Hämochromatose
- Ossifizierendes Fibrom
- Rotatorenmanschette
- Berstungsfraktur
- Garden classification
- hangman fracture
- Scaphoidfraktur
- Smith-Fraktur
- Melorheostose
- facet dislocation
- Hyperflexionsfraktur HWS teardrop
- tuberkulöse Spondylitis
- Ochronose
- Pilon tibiale Fraktur
- Essex-Lopresti fracture
- Muskulatur
- erosive Arthrose
- Knochentumoren
- Madelung-Deformität
- Riesenzelltumor des Knochens
- Kalziumpyrophosphat-Ablagerungskrankheit
- bones
- AC-Gelenksprengung
- curriculum
- Knochenmetastasen
- rotator cuff tear grading
- amyloid deposition
- posterior dislocation
- Hill-Sachs
- subcoracoidales Impingement
- Luxation nach vorne
- seronegative arthritis
- Triplane-Fraktur
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