obstetric curriculum
The obstetric curriculum is one of our curriculum articles and aims to be a collection of articles that represent the core obstetric knowledge.
Topics pertaining to the normal and abnormal pregnancy, the gravid uterus and fetal environment, placenta, normal fetal development and fetal anomalies.
Anatomy articles
Each system should have associated with it a number of core anatomy articles.
Radiological examinations
- obstetric ultrasound
- first trimester ultrasound
- second trimester ultrasound
- late pregnancy ultrasound
- fetal MRI
Pathology / condition articles
Uterus and adnexa in pregnancy
- leiomyoma in pregnancy
- cervical incompetence
- cervical length
- funneling
Abnormalities of placenta, membranes and umbilical cord
- placenta previa
- vasa previa
- placental abruption
- abnormal placental villous adherence
- circumvallate placenta
- chorioangioma
- amniotic band syndrome
- battledore placenta
- chorioamnionitis
- enlarged placenta
- small placenta
- short umbilical cord
- two-vessel umbilical cord
- cord around neck
Amniotic fluid
First trimester
- normal first trimester ultrasound
- miscarriage
- gestational trophoblastic disease
Second trimester
- fetal anomaly (20 weeks anatomy scan)
- fetal echocardiography views
Third trimester
- fetal biophysical profile
- fetal presentation
- TORCH infection
- abruptio placentae
- spalding sign
- umbilical cord prolapse
Ectopic pregnancy
- abdominal ectopic pregnancy
- tubal ectopic pregnancy
- ovarian ectopic pregnancy
- scar ectopic pregnancy
- cornual ectopic pregnancy
- ampullary ectopic pregnancy
- cervical ectopic pregnancy
Twin pregnancy
- dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy
- conjoint twins
- acardiac twin
- twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
Other disorders and conditions of pregnancy
Congenital fetal anomalies
CNS anomalies
- acrania
- anencephaly
- exencephaly
- aprosencephaly
- atelencephaly
- Arnold Chiari malformation
- Dandy Walker syndrome
- fetal brain tumors
- holoprosencephaly
- mega cisterna magna
- ventriculomegaly
- choroid plexus cyst
- hydranencephaly
- vein of Galen malformation
Facial anomalies
Neck anomalies
Cardiac anomalies
- cardiomegaly (fetal)
- cardiomyopathy (fetal)
- congenital heart defects
- ectopia cordis
- echogenic intracardiac focus
- fetal cardiac tumors
- pericardial effusion
- pericardial teratoma
- sinus bradycardia
- sinus tachycardia
- supraventricular tachycardia
Extra-cardiac thoracic anomalies
- congenital high airway obstruction
- hydrothorax (fetal)
- tracheal stenosis
- tracheal atresia
- congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation
- diaphragmatic hernia
- pulmonary hypoplasia / aplasia
- esophageal atresia
- pleural effusion
Abdominal wall anomalies
Renal anomalies
- PUJ anomaly
- renal agenesis
- multicystic dysplastic kidneys
- autosomal recessive polycystic kidneys
- fetal neuroblastoma
Ureter and bladder anomalies
Gastointestinal anomalies
- cholelithiasis (fetal)
- duodenal atresia
- hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
- echogenic bowel
- fetal ascites
- fetal bowel dilatation
Spinal anomalies (including neural tube defects)
- spina bifida
- encephalocele
- meningocele
- meningomyelocele
- diastematomyelia
- lemon sign and banana sign
Limb anomalies
- Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
- clinodactyly
- polydactyly
- brachydactyly
- camptodactyly
- CTEV (clubfoot)
Genital anomalies
Miscellaneous anomalies
- hemolytic disease of newborn
- limb body wall complex
- Down's syndrome
- Turner's syndrome
- fetal akinesia sequence
- fetal chickenpox
- fetal goiter
- fetus in fetu
- fetal macrosomia
- fetal rubella
- fetal toxoplasmosis
- fetal warfarin syndrome
This article is a work in progress. Please add and edit.
Related Radiopaedia articles
- curriculum
- anatomy curriculum
- imaging curricula
- breast curriculum
- cardiac curriculum
- central nervous system curriculum
- chest curriculum
- gastrointestinal curriculum
- gynecology curriculum
- head and neck curriculum
- hepatobiliary curriculum
- intervention curriculum
- musculoskeletal curriculum
- obstetric curriculum
- pediatric curriculum
- post-mortem and forensic curriculum
- urogenital curriculum
- vascular curriculum
- medical student curriculum
- pathology curriculum
- general pathology
- systemic pathology
- pathology of the vascular system
- cardiac pathology
- pathology of the hematological and lymphatic systems
- pathology of the lung and pleura
- pathology of the head and neck
- pathology of the gastrointestinal system
- pathology of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas
- pathology of the kidney and urinary tract
- pathology of the male genital system
- pathology of the female genital system
- pathology of the breast
- pathology of the endocrine system
- pathology of the skin
- pathology of the musculoskeletal system and soft tissues
- pathology of the nervous system
- pathology of the ocular system
- physics curriculum
- radiography curriculum
- general radiography curriculum
- CT curriculum
- ultrasound
- nuclear medicine
- radiation therapy
Siehe auch:
- Perikarderguss
- Mega Cisterna magna
- amniotic fluid index
- Spina bifida
- Xanthogranulome des Plexus choroideus
- Pleuraerguss
- Uterus
- Polydaktylie
- Amniotisches-Band-Syndrom
- Down-Syndrom
- Gastroschisis
- Brachydaktylie
- Arnold-Chiari-Malformation Typ 2
- Ösophagusatresie
- gestational trophoblastic disease
- Herzfehler
- Lungenhypoplasie
- Zwerchfellhernie
- Hydrops fetalis
- limb body wall complex
- lemon sign
- Corpus luteum
- Turner-Syndrom
- Polyhydramnion
- Oligohydramnion
- Meningozele
- hypertrophe Pylorusstenose
- Duodenalatresie
- Klinodaktylie
- Holoprosencephalie
- tubal ectopic pregnancy
- einseitige Nierenagenesie
- Leiomyom
- Kamptodaktylie
- Diastematomyelie
- Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-Spalte
- Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
- Trachealstenose
- absent nasal bone
- Dopplersonographie der Nabelarterie
- ventriculomegaly
- kongenitale pulmonale Atemwegsmalformation (CPAM)
- double bleb sign
- Intrauterine Wachstumsretardierung
- Omphalozele
- Akranie
- cervical incompetence
- abnormal ductus venosus waveforms
- Embryopathia rubeolosa
- Meningoenzephalozele
- Golfballphänomen
- marginal cord insertion
- Anhydramnion
- Dottersack
- fetal toxoplasmosis
- Anenzephalie
- zystisches Lymphangiom
- umbilical cord prolapse
- first trimester
- amniotic fluid discordance
- short umbilical cord
- acardiac twin
- fetale Hirntumoren
- Gaumenspalte
- embryonal demise
- Fehlgeburt
- cervical ectopic pregnancy
- ovarian ectopic pregnancy
- decidual reaction
- cornual ectopic pregnancy
- Fetales Warfarinsyndrom
- cebocephaly
- Placenta praevia
- fetal bowel dilatation
- HELLP-Syndrom
- kleine Plazenta
- pericardial teratoma
- autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)
- drohende Fehlgeburt
- abnormally low sac position
- Placenta circumvallata
- curriculum
- fetal biophysical profile
- dichorionic - diamniotic
- fetal cardiac tumours
- asymmetrische intrauterine Wachstumsretardierung
- fetal neuroblastoma
- twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence
- ampullary ectopic pregnancy
- Foetus in foeto
- Vena Galeni Malformation
- fetal akinesia deformation sequence
- spalding sign
- Vorzeitige Plazentalösung
- vasa praevia
- twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)
- Chorioangiom der Plazenta
- Mehrlingsschwangerschaft
- Bananenzeichen (Kleinhirn)
- chorioamnionitis
- Makrosomie
- fetal heart rate
- cervical length (CL)
- subchorionic hemorrhage
- Megaureter
- fetal echocardiography views
- multicystic dysplastic kidneys
- sinus tachycardia
- cholelithiasis (fetal)
- atelencephaly
- aprosencephaly
- fetale Struma
- echogenic bowel
- Ovar
- Herzektopie
- absent umbilical artery end diastolic flow
- fetal hydrocele
- transverse cerebellar diameter
- cardiomyopathy (fetal)
- abnormal placental villous adherence
- symmetrische intrauterine Wachstumsretardierung
- Dandy Walker syndrome
- epiphyseal ossification centers on fetal ultrasound
- two-vessel umbilical cord
- fetaler Aszites
- Plazentamegalie
- fetale Megazystis
- Trachealatresie
- PUJ anomaly
- congenital high airway obstruction
- cord around neck
- 20 weeks anatomy scan
- second trimester ultrasound
- funneling
- scar ectopic pregnancy
- conjoint twins
- fetal presentation
- hemolytic disease of newborn
- anopthalmia
- middle cerebral arterial doppler
- fetal chickenpox
- sinus bradycardia
- twin twin transfusion syndrome
- hydrothorax (fetal)
- abdominelle Extrauteringravidität
- Supraventrikuläre Tachykardie
- Hydranenzephalie
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu obstetric curriculum:
der Nabelarterie
recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)
pulmonale Atemwegsmalformation (CPAM)
multiplex congenita