chest curriculum
The chest curriculum is one of our curriculum articles and aims to be a collection of articles that represent the core chest knowledge.
Topics pertaining to the lungs, mediastinum, pleura, but excluding the skeletal structures (see musculoskeletal curriculum), heart (see cardiac curriculum), and great vessels (see vascular curriculum).
Core anatomical topics include:
Radiological Examinations
The chest is primarily investigated with plain films and CT.
- interpreting chest x-rays - a systematic approach
- normal cardiomediastinal contours
- pleural reflections on chest x-ray
- cardiac chamber enlargement
- congenital heart disease - chest x-ray approach
- pulmonary opacification
Lungs and airways
- neoplasms
- bronchogenic carcinoma
- non small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
- bronchogenic squamous cell carcinoma
- bronchogenic adenocarcinoma
- bronchioloalveolar carcinoma
- undifferentiated large-cell bronchogenic carcinoma
- small cell carcinoma
- non small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
- metastases to the lungs
- tracheal neoplasms
- bronchogenic carcinoma
- infection
- bacterial
- mycobacteria
- viral pneumonitis
- fungal
- aspergillosis
- blastomycosis
- coccidioidomycosis
- cryptococcosis
- histoplasmosis
- paracoccidioidomycosis
- Pneumocystis pneumonia
- parasites
- pulmonary amebiasis
- pulmonary echinococcosis
- pulmonary paragonimiasis
- pulmonary schistosomiasis
- pulmonary strongyloidiasis
- pulmonary toxocariasis
Inflammatory lung conditions
Hypersensitivity lung conditions
Interstitial lung disease
- tumors
- primary pleural tumors
- pleural metastases
- pleural effusion
- empyema
- pneumothorax
- thymus
- primary tumors of the thymus
- thymoma
- invasive thymoma
- thymic carcinoma
- thymolipoma / thymoliposarcoma
- thymic cyst
- benign thymic hyperplasia
- thymic carcinoid
- primary thymic lymphoma
- primary tumors of the thymus
Related Radiopaedia articles
- curriculum
- anatomy curriculum
- imaging curricula
- breast curriculum
- cardiac curriculum
- central nervous system curriculum
- chest curriculum
- gastrointestinal curriculum
- gynecology curriculum
- head and neck curriculum
- hepatobiliary curriculum
- intervention curriculum
- musculoskeletal curriculum
- obstetric curriculum
- pediatric curriculum
- post-mortem and forensic curriculum
- urogenital curriculum
- vascular curriculum
- medical student curriculum
- pathology curriculum
- general pathology
- systemic pathology
- pathology of the vascular system
- cardiac pathology
- pathology of the hematological and lymphatic systems
- pathology of the lung and pleura
- pathology of the head and neck
- pathology of the gastrointestinal system
- pathology of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas
- pathology of the kidney and urinary tract
- pathology of the male genital system
- pathology of the female genital system
- pathology of the breast
- pathology of the endocrine system
- pathology of the skin
- pathology of the musculoskeletal system and soft tissues
- pathology of the nervous system
- pathology of the ocular system
- physics curriculum
- radiography curriculum
- general radiography curriculum
- CT curriculum
- ultrasound
- nuclear medicine
- radiation therapy
Siehe auch:
- Pneumothorax
- Mediastinum
- Konsolidierung der Lunge
- Lungenkarzinom
- Thymus
- Pleura
- pulmonale Tuberkulose
- Empyem
- Thymuskarzinom
- Aspergillom
- Lungenabszess
- Thymom
- solitärer fibröser Tumor der Pleura
- angioinvasive pulmonale Aspergillose
- Röntgen-Thorax
- Allergische bronchopulmonale Aspergillose
- Mesotheliom
- In Situ Adenokarzinom der Lunge
- Lungenmetastasen
- Thymuslipom
- Aspirationspneumonie
- cardiac curriculum
- invasives Thymom
- Rundpneumonie
- primäre Thymusneoplasien
- congenital heart disease - chest x-ray approach
- cardiac chamber enlargement
- airway invasive aspergillosis
- aspergillosis
- Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumonie
- Lunge
- nodular opacification
- nichtkleinzelliges Lungenkarzinom
- obstructive bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
- Normale Herzkonfiguration im Röntgen-Thorax
- localised mediastinal malignant mesothelioma
- Thymuszyste
- radiologisches muskuloskelettales Curriculum
- chronic necrotising aspergillosis (CNA)
- secondary pulmonary lobule
- Kleinzelliges Lungenkarzinom
- pulmonary opacity
- linear opacification
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