muscles of the lower limb
The muscles of the lower limb are numerous and complex. Their origins and insertions are difficult to remember, and they are best considered as parts of general functional groups.
- iliopsoas
- psoas major
- psoas minor
- iliacus
- buttocks
- gluteal region
- gluteal muscles
- gluteus maximus
- gluteus medius
- gluteus minimus
- tensor fasciae lata
- gluteal muscles
- lateral rotator group
- gluteal region
- thigh
- leg
- anterior compartment of the leg
- posterior compartments
- lateral compartment of the leg
- foot
- dorsal
- plantar
- 1st layer
- 2nd layer
- 3rd layer
- flexor hallucis brevis
- adductor hallucis
- flexor digiti minimi brevis
- 4th layer
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