
Hamartom der
Lunge; nicht histologisch bestätigt, jedoch typischer Befund: glatt begrenzter, über lange Zeit konstanter Befund mit Verkalkung.

hamartoma of the thigh mistaken for soft tissue sarcoma. Axial STIR image showing suppression of interveining fat of the lesion, whereas the lesion appears hyperintense. Underlying muscles appears hyperintense (oedema). Posteriorly soft tissue defect noted which was due to fold/compression of the lesion.
A hamartoma is a benign tumor-like malformation that consists of a collection of architecturally disorganized cells located in an area of the body where the cells are normally found. It is often due to abnormal development.
In radiology, hamartomas often mimic malignancy. Several hamartomata have characteristic imaging findings:
- biliary hamartomata
- breast hamartoma
- cardiac fibrous hamartoma
- fibrolipomatous hamartoma of the nerve
- gastrointestinal hamartomatous polyps
- hepatic mesenchymal hamartoma
- hypothalamic hamartoma
- pulmonary hamartoma
- splenic hamartoma
- subependymal hamartoma
History and Etymology
The term hamartoma derives from the Greek word hamartía meaning error or failure.
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Siehe auch:
- pulmonales Hamartom
- Von-Meyenburg-Komplex
- hypothalamisches Hamartom
- Hamartom der Mamma
- Thymuslipom
- Cowden-Syndrom
- kongenitales mesoblastisches Nephrom
- fibrolipomatöses Hamartom des Nervens
- mesenchymales Leberhamartom
- retroperitoneales Hamartom
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