increased bone age
A generalized acceleration in bone maturation can result from a number of etiological factors. They include:
- endocrine disorders
- idiopathic isosexual precocious puberty
- hypothalamic or parathalamic lesion with sexual precocity: e.g.
- adrenogenital syndrome (adrenocortical tumor or hyperplasia)
- excessive androgen, estrogen or steroid administration or production: e.g.
- virilizing adrenal or gonadal neoplasm or hyperplasia
- Cushing syndrome
- pituitary gigantism: hyperpituitarism
- hyperthyroidism (maternal or acquired): uncommon
- congenital disorders
- McCune-Albright syndrome: polyostotic fibrous dysplasia with precocious puberty
- cerebral gigantism: Sotos syndrome
- lipodystrophy
- acrodysostosis: uncommon
- pseudohypoparathyroidism: uncommon
- Weaver syndrome: uncommon
- Marshall-Smith syndrome: uncommon
- asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia: Jeune syndrome: uncommon
- Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: uncommon
- others
- constitutional or familial tall stature
See also
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