mycotic aneurysm

Mycotic aneurysms are aneurysms arising from infection of the arterial wall, usually bacterial. It is a complication of the haematogenous spread of bacterial infection, classically from the heart.
Mycotic aneurysms are thought to represent only a minority of (0.7-2.6%) of all aortic aneurysms.
The epidemiology of mycotic aneurysms mirrors that of identifiable risk factors:
- infective endocarditis (common)
- intravenous drug use
- immunosuppression
- iatrogenic arterial trauma
- pre-existing atherosclerotic plaque or a native aneurysm
- prosthetic arterial devices (e.g. stents and grafts)
- direct arterial involvement from adjacent infection
The vessel wall becomes infected with bacteria, is digested, and false aneurysm forms, which is unstable and highly prone to rupture. The most common organisms are Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella spp. Mechanisms of infections include:
- septicemia
- septic emboli
- contiguous spread from adjacent infection
Frequently found in atypical locations. The most common sites are:
- thoracic and abdominal aorta
- abdominal visceral arteries
- lower extremity arteries (femoral artery is the most frequently involved and often associated with IV drug abuse)
- intracranial arteries: typically more peripheral than berry aneurysms (see intracranial mycotic aneurysm for detailed discussion)
Radiographic features
Described features include the following (some are however non-specific):
- saccular
- centric aneurysmal sac in an odd location for atheromatous disease
- often wild, multilobulated appearance
- interruption of arterial wall calcification
- adjacent soft tissue stranding
- adjacent collection +/- gas
- adjacent reactive lymphadenopathy
- hazy aortic wall with rupture
- retroperitoneal para-aortic fluid collection and vertebral erosion
- thrombus formation within a false lumen after aneurysmal rupture
Treatment and prognosis
Mycotic aneurysms carry a very high mortality.
- aneurysmal rupture (high risk) with hemorrhage
- an ongoing source of sepsis
- embolic infarction
History and etymology
The term "mycotic" (meaning fungus) was coined in 1885 by Canadian physician Sir William Osler (1849-1919) on describing the gross pathological appearance of two small saccular aortic aneurysms, not the underlying pathological organism .
Differential diagnosis
Siehe auch:
- mykotisches Aortenaneurysma
- inflammatorisches Aortenaneurysma
- mycotic pseudoaneurysm of the lumbar artery
- infektiöse Endokarditis
- atherosclerotic aneurysm
und weiter:
- Aneurysma spurium
- Aneurysma
- laterale Halszyste
- Bauchaortenaneurysma
- Aneurysma Aorta ascendens
- posttraumatisches Aneurysma spurium
- thoracic aortic dilatation
- traumatic pseudoaneurysm
- Rasmussen-Aneurysma
- sakkuläre zerebrale Aneurysmata
- Zyste oder Fistel des vierten Kiemenbogens
- Hirnarterienaneurysma
- Zyste oder Fistel des ersten Kiemenbogens
- mycotic aneurysm of the internal carotid artery
- segmentale arterielle Mediolyse (SAM)
- intrakranielles mykotisches (infiziertes) Aneurysma
- mykotisches thorakales Aortenaneurysma
- mykotisches Aneurysma mit Salmonellen der extrakraniellen Arteria carotis interna