This image
is part of a series which can be scrolled interactively with the mousewheel or mouse dragging. This is done by using Template:Imagestack. The series is found in the category Kawasaki disease coronary aneurysms - case 001. Kawasaki-Syndrom: (mäßig ausgeprägte) Aneurysmen der Koronarien bei einem 50-jährigen, der in der Kindheit an einem Kawasaki-Syndrom erkrankt war. - 3D-Rekonstruktion VR aus einem Cardio-CT-Datensatz.
Aneurysma der
A. cerebri media: Computertomographie, 3D-Rekonstruktion (Volumen rendering).
Aneurysms are focal abnormal dilatation of a blood vessel. They typically occur in arteries, venous aneurysms are rare. Aneurysms may also occur in the heart.
Pathological types
- congenital
- hypertension
- vasculitis
- fibromuscular dysplasia
- infection: mycotic aneurysm, syphilis (luetic aneurysm)
- hereditary connective tissue disorders
- trauma
- iatrogenic
- myocardial infarction: may cause left a ventricular aneurysm
- flow related (in cerebral AVM, contralateral ICA occlusion etc)
Morphologically there are two main types of aneurysms. The morphology is not specific for any cause:
Occasionally a 3 type, serpentine aneurysm has been classified as a separate entity .
- rupture
- distal thromboembolism
- pressure effects
See also
- thoracic aortic aneurysm
- abdominal aortic aneurysm
- popliteal artery aneurysm
- cerebral berry aneurysm
- coronary artery aneurysm
- splenic artery aneurysm
- celiac artery aneurysm
- mycotic aneurysm
Siehe auch:
- Aneurysma spurium
- Bauchaortenaneurysma
- Fibromuskuläre Dysplasie
- Vaskulitis
- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
- Marfan-Syndrom
- Aneurysma der Arteria poplitea
- Aortenaneurysma
- mykotisches (infiziertes) Aneurysma
- Milzarterienaneurysma
- Arterielle Hypertonie
- Atherosklerose
- true aneurysm
- sakkuläre zerebrale Aneurysmata
- syphilitische Aneurysmen
- Definition Aneurysma intracerebrale Gefäße
und weiter:
- penetrierendes Aortenulkus (PAU)
- Dünndarmileus
- Neurofibromatose Typ 1
- Tumoren der Hypophysenregion
- Tumor Kleinhirnbrückenwinkel
- ektope Neurohypophyse
- intraventrikuläre Blutung
- Superfizielle Hämosiderose der Leptomeningen
- Aneurysmose
- posttraumatisches Aneurysma spurium
- Kawasaki-Syndrom
- pituitary region mass with intrinsic high T1 signal
- traumatic pseudoaneurysm
- Gefäßverkalkungen
- vascular pathology
- reporting tips for aortic aneurysms
- giant cerebral aneurysm
- aneurysm of the horizontal segment of the middle cerebral artery
- hepatic artery aneurysm
- aneurysms and dissection
- abdominelle und pelvine Verkalkungen
- Raumforderungen im oder am Sinus cavernosus
- dense rim sign
- the yin-yang sign
- Hirnarterienaneurysma
- coil herniation
- intrakranielle Arteriosklerose
- Sichelzellenanämie (zerebrale Manifestationen)
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Aneurysma: