
Acute scrotal
ultrasound: a practical guide. Inguinal hernia resulting in acute scrotal pain. a Longitudinal US image of the right inguinal canal in a 39-year-old with right scrotal pain shows an elongated heterogeneous structure in the right inguinal canal (arrowheads); hyperechoic regions corresponded to fat while hypoechoic, serpiginous structures corresponded to vessels. The right testis (arrow) was normal. b Corresponding coronal T2 weighted MR image shows bilateral inguinal hernias containing fat (arrows) and vessels (arrowheads), but no bowel. Note normal-appearing testes (asterisks). The patient underwent herniorrhaphy

Skrotalhernie im Röntgenbild des Beckens. Links CMN des proximalen Femurs.

Skrotalhernie rechts in der Computertomographie mit zahlreichen Dünndarmschlingen und Teilen des Colon ascendens.

and perforation of a herniated sigmoid colon with an adenocarcinoma as incidental finding. Axial slice demonstrating a large left inguinal hernia containing free fluid and air collection, mesenteric fat and bowel loops.

Skrotalhernie links mit einer voluminösen Kolonschlinge als Inhalt. Nebenbefund in einer Beckenübersicht bei Problemen mit der Hüft-TEP rechts.
Hernien der Leistenregion Radiopaedia • CC-by-nc-sa 3.0 • de
Hernien der Leistenregion
Der Begriff Leistenhernie wird im Deutschen meist synonym mit Inguinalhernie verwendet. Die englische Übersetzung groin hernia umfasst jedoch sowohl die Inguinalhernie wie auch die Schenkelhernie. Es bietet sich daher aus Gründen der Klarheit an, entweder von Inguinalhernie (oberhalb des Leistenbandes durch den Leistenkanal bzw. im Bereich desselben), Schenkelhernie (unterhalb des Leistenbandes durch die Lacuna musculorum et vasorum) oder eben zusammenfassend von Hernien der Leistenregion zu sprechen.
Groin hernias (herniae also used) may be congenital or acquired, and represent a large proportion of all abdominal wall hernias.
The subtypes based on location are:
- inguinal hernia
- direct inguinal hernia
- indirect inguinal hernia: five times commoner than direct
- pantaloon hernia (combined direct and indirect inguinal hernias)
- femoral hernia
Related articles
- hernias
- anterior abdominal wall herniation
- epigastric hernia
- incisional hernia
- port site hernia
- interparietal hernia
- parastomal hernia
- paraumbilical hernia
- rectus sheath - rectus sheath hernia
- Spigelian hernia
- umbilical hernia
- miscellaneous
- Maydl hernia
- Richter hernia: contains only one wall of a bowel loop
- lumbar hernias
- superior lumbar hernia
- inferior lumbar hernia
- groin herniation
- inguinal hernia
- direct inguinal hernia
- indirect inguinal hernia: five times commoner than direct
- pantaloon hernia (combined direct and indirect inguinal herniae)
- femoral hernia
- obturator hernia
- inguinal hernia
- diaphragmatic herniation
- internal herniation: an uncommon cause of bowel obstruction
- paraduodenal hernia: left and right
- lesser sac (foramen of Winslow) hernia
- pericaecal hernia
- sigmoid mesocolon hernias
- intersigmoid hernia
- transmesosigmoid hernia
- intramesosigmoid hernia
- small bowel mesentery internal hernia
- transmesenteric hernia
- intramesenteric hernia
- transomental hernia
- supravesical hernia
- pelvic internal hernia
- falciform ligament hernia
- internal hernia due to gastric bypass surgery
- Littre hernia: hernia containing a Meckel diverticulum
- pelvic hernia
- anterior abdominal wall herniation
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