Strain refers to injury of muscles and tendons and should not be confused with sprain which refers to injury to ligaments and capsules. One way to remember the distinction is that strain (with a T) is for tendons (which attach to muscle).
These terms should not be used interchangeably lest you become the butt of an orthopedic surgeon's derision.
Related Radiopaedia articles
Terms used in radiology
- general
- ancillary
- artifact
- corner of the film
- diagnosis of exclusion
- epiphenomenon
- filling defect
- forme fruste
- gamut
- geographic
- gold standard
- heterogeneous vs heterogenous
- iatrogenic
- idiopathic
- incidentaloma
- in extremis
- natural history
- non-specific
- prodrome
- protean
- self-limiting
- sequela
- serpiginous
- sine qua non
- subclinical disease
- syndrome
- pathology
- chest
- epidemiology
- gastrointestinal
- genetics
- genotype
- karyotype
- phenotype
- musculoskeletal
- oncology
- metachronous
- micrometastasis
- oligometastases
- oligoprogression
- polymetastases
- polyprogression
- progression
- sentinel node
- synchronous
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