Filling defect
A filling defect is a general term used to refer to any abnormality on an imaging study which disrupts the normal opacification (filling) of a cavity or lumen. The opacification maybe physiological, for example, bile in the gallbladder or blood in a dural venous sinus, or maybe due to the installation of contrast medium, for example within a vessel, as part of a CT angiogram, within the bladder, during a cystogram, etc.
- CT pulmonary angiogram: PE in the pulmonary artery interrupts normal contrast opacification of the vessel
- CT colonogram: polyp in the colon prevents the normal gas and contrast filling of the bowel
- MRCP: calculus in the common bile duct leaves a focus of low signal in the duct
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Terms used in radiology
- general
- ancillary
- artifact
- corner of the film
- diagnosis of exclusion
- epiphenomenon
- filling defect
- forme fruste
- gamut
- geographic
- gold standard
- heterogeneous vs heterogenous
- iatrogenic
- idiopathic
- incidentaloma
- in extremis
- natural history
- non-specific
- prodrome
- protean
- self-limiting
- sequela
- serpiginous
- sine qua non
- subclinical disease
- syndrome
- pathology
- chest
- epidemiology
- gastrointestinal
- genetics
- genotype
- karyotype
- phenotype
- musculoskeletal
- oncology
- metachronous
- micrometastasis
- oligometastases
- oligoprogression
- polymetastases
- polyprogression
- progression
- sentinel node
- synchronous