duodenal filling defects
Duodenal filling defects may be caused by a wide variety of duodenal pathology which may be divided by their location and pathological process.
- gallbladder impression
- common bile duct impression
- gas-filled diverticulum
Note: please refer to duodenal mucosal nodular filling defects for that specific gamut.
- benign mass
- adenoma
- leiomyoma
- lipoma
- hamartoma (Peutz-Jeghers syndrome)
- prolapsed antral polyp
- Brunner's gland adenoma
- villous adenoma
- islet cell tumor
- gangliocystic paraganglioma
- malignant neoplastic mass
- carcinoid tumor
- adenocarcinoma of duodenum
- ampullary carcinoma
- lymphoma
- sarcoma
- metastases
- retroperitoneal lymph node involvement
- non-neoplastic mass
- papilla of Vater
- choledochocoele
- duplication cyst
- pancreatic pseudocyst
- duodenal varix
- superior mesenteric artery collateral
- intramural hematoma
- adjacent abscess
- stich abscess
- ectopic pancreas
- heterotopic gastric mucosa
- prolapsed antral mucosa
- Brunner's gland hyperplasia
- benign lymphoid hyperplasia
- intraluminal
- blood clot
- gallstone
- foreign body, feeding tube, food
Siehe auch:
- Duodenaldivertikel
- Lymphom
- Pankreaspseudozyste
- Karzinoid
- Bouveret-Syndrom
- Gallenblase
- Pankreas
- Arteria mesenterica superior
- Peutz-Jeghers-Syndrom
- Duplikationszyste des Duodenums
- brunner gland adenoma
- duodenal varix
- duodenal mucosal nodular filling defects
- Divertikel
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu duodenal filling defects: