Cavernous venous malformation, also traditionally referred to as a cavernous hemangioma (despite it not being a tumor) or cavernomas, are non-neoplastic slow flow venous malformations found in many parts of the body.
Despite the ubiquity of use of the traditional terms cavernoma, hemangioma and cavernous hemangioma, they represent outdated and misleading nomenclature no longer recognized in the ISSVA classification of vascular anomalies.
Having said that when reporting it is probably safest to include the 'traditional' term in brackets for clarity, for example, "features are those of a slow flow venous malformation (cavernous venous malformation/cavernoma)"
Regional manifestations
Their radiographic appearance, epidemiology, clinical presentation and treatment are specific to the tissue/organ in which they are found and as such these are discussed individually according to location.
- central nervous system
- head and neck
- chest
- abdominal
- adrenal hemangioma
- hepatic venous malformation (hepatic hemangioma)
- splenic venous malformation (splenic hemangioma)
- retroperitoneal hemangioma
- musculoskeletal
Siehe auch:
- Hämangiom Schädelkalotte
- Leberhämangiom
- Milzhämangiom
- Hämangiom
- zerebrale Kavernome
- Weichteilhämangiom
- kongenitale vaskuläre Malformationen
- kavernöses Hämangiom der Orbita
- kardiales Hämangiom
- spinale kavernomatöse Malformationen
- intraossäres Hämangiom
- kavernöses Hämangiom im Pons
- retroperitoneal haemangioma
- cavernous hemangioma of the thigh
- Mammahämangiom
und weiter:
- Developmental Venous Anomaly
- intraorbitale Raumforderungen
- Diffuses axonales Schädelhirntrauma
- Tumoren der Pinealisregion
- kapilläre Teleangiektasien des ZNS
- Hämangioblastom
- intraventrikuläre Blutung
- subkutane Verkalkungen
- Ponsblutung
- zerebrale Mikroblutungen
- Exophthalmus
- WHO Klassifikation der Weichteiltumoren
- meningeales Melanozytom
- intramedulläre spinale Tumoren
- Rhabdomyosarkom der Orbita
- intrakranielle vaskuläre Malformationen
- mixed vascular malformation
- Temporallappenepilepsie
- cerebral malformation
- Peliosis hepatis
- rhabdomyosarcoma of the orbit
- Pinealisinfarkt
- multiple cavernous haemangiomas of the brain
- pineal region cavernoma
- cavernoma-related epilepsy
- Kaverne (Medizin)
- intracranial cavernous angioma
- cavernous malformation of the midbrain
- Apoplex der Glandula pinealis
- cavernous angioma mimicked by a loop of posterior inferior cerebellar artery
- Kavernom der Medulla oblongata
- Klassifikation zerebraler vaskulärer Malformationen
- cavernous malformation of the corpus callosum
- multiple cavernomas
- kavernöses Hämangiom des Thymus
- intrakranielle Arteriosklerose