Periarticular soft tissue calcification

calcarea hier vor allem des Musculus infraspinatus mit sehr kräftigen, scholligen Depots. Links MRT axial PDW SPAIR, die auch das Ödem der Sehne bis in den Muskel zeigt. Rechts Röntgen.

identification and analysis of soft tissue musculoskeletal calcifications. Gout. Frontal radiograph of the right foot shows tophi and erosions. Some tophi may present with mineralisation (arrowheads)

periprothetische Ossifikation: links postoperativ, Mitte und rechts nach 5 Monaten.

Bruch des
Prothesenkopfes bei Hüft-Totalendoprothese: Linkes Bild mit intakter Prothese, aber schon reichlich periarthikuläre Ossifikationen. Rechtes Bild Fragmentierung des Prothesenkopfes. Die Ossifikationen haben auch zugenommen.

calcarea Schultergelenk mit kräftigem, scholligem Depot im Ansatzbereich der Supraspinatussehne.

radiograph showing tumoral calcinosis (metastatic calcification) in a patient on dialysis.

identification and analysis of soft tissue musculoskeletal calcifications. Cervical facet joint calcifications. (a) Axial and (b) sagittal CT images of the cervical spine show dense material (arrowheads) in the right C2–C3 facet joint. Note the associated bone erosion of the right lamina (arrow)

Soft tissue
calcification • Myositis ossificans progressiva - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

soft tissue calcification • Myositis ossificans - arm - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

ossification • Heterotopic ossification - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

identification and analysis of soft tissue musculoskeletal calcifications. Systemic Sclerosis. Posteroanterior radiograph of the hand shows tumoural calcinosis in the soft tissue (arrow). Note acro-osteolysis (arrowhead) and atrophy of soft tissue (curved arrow), characteristic of systemic sclerosis
Common causes of periarticular soft tissue calcification include:
- myositis ossificans
- post surgical dystrophic calcification or heterotopic bone formation
- calcific tendinitis or bursitis
- gout
- calcific periarthritis (fingers and toes)
- tuberculous arthritis
- scleroderma
- hyperparathyroidism
- hypoparathyroidism
- renal osteodystrophy
- hypervitaminosis D
- milk alkali syndrome
- calcinosis circumscripta and tumoralis
- sarcoidosis
- thermal injury
- paralysis
- dermatomyositis
- polymyositis
- ochronosis
- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
- Werner's syndrome(adult progeria)
- synovial sarcoma
- caries sicca(healed tuberculous arthritis)
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