Organomegaly (or visceromegaly) is the general term for the enlargement of an organ. Although usually pathological, occasionally the enlargement is a normal physiological response e.g. compensatory hypertrophy of the remaining kidney after a nephrectomy.
Many of the terms below will not be found in standard English dictionaries but all are found in the larger medical dictionaries and/or the published literature. The majority are in common (medical) usage, some will have niche usages in some specialties or rare conditions, whilst a few are perhaps a little contrived. However all have been found in published sources and completely made-up terms have not been included e.g. epididymomegaly, which whilst looking like it might be real, was coined by this author when writing this paragraph.
Specific organs:
- adrenal gland - adrenomegaly
- aorta - aortomegaly
- artery - aneurysm or angiomegaly
- atrium - atriomegaly
- auricle - macrotia
- bladder - megalocystis (vesicomegaly)
- bone - osteomegaly
- breast
- female: macromastia (or gigantomastia/mammomegaly)
- male: gynecomastia
- bronchus - bronchomegaly
- calyx - calyectasis (or caliectasis)
- cecum - typhlomegaly
- clitoris - clitoromegaly
- colon - megacolon
- ear - macrotia (or otomegaly)
- eye - buphthalmos
- eyelashes - trichomegaly
- foot - podomegaly
- finger - dactylomegaly
- gallbladder - cholecystomegaly
- hand - cheiromegaly
- head - cephalomegaly
- heart - cardiomegaly
- kidney - nephromegaly
- lips - labiomegaly (oral or genital)
- liver - hepatomegaly
- liver and spleen - hepatosplenomegaly
- lung - hyperinflation
- lymph node - lymphadenomegaly
- muscle - myomegaly
- nails - clubbing
- nose - rhinomegaly
- pancreas - pancreatomegaly
- parotid gland - parotidomegaly (or parotomegaly)
- pelvicalyceal system - hydronephrosis
- penis - penomegaly
- placenta - placentomegaly
- prostate - prostatomegaly
- rectum - megarectum
- renal tract - hydronephroureterosis
- salivary gland - sialomegaly
- scrotum - scrotomegaly
- small bowel - enteromegaly (or megaloenteron)
- spleen - splenomegaly
- stomach - gastromegaly
- testis - testiculomegaly
- tooth - macrodontia (or megadontia)
- thymus - thymomegaly
- thyroid - goiter (rarely thyromegaly)
- tongue - glossomegaly
- tonsils - tonsillomegaly
- trachea - tracheomegaly
- trachea and bronchus - tracheobronchomegaly
- ureter - hydroureter
- vagina - vaginomegaly
- vein - varix or venomegaly
- ventricle (brain) - ventriculomegaly (hydrocephalus is different)
History and etymology
The prefix 'mega' and the suffix '-megaly' are derived from the Ancient Greek word μεγα (mega) meaning 'great'.
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