
Ischämie mit Pneumatosis intestinalis (vor allem Zoekum-Pol und Rectum) und Gas in Mesenterial- und Lebervenen.

intestinalis in der Computertomographie bei Darmischämie. Lungenfenster zur besseren Darstellung der Gaseinlagerungen in die Darmwände. Coronare Rekonstruktion.

intestinalis in der Computertomographie coronar im Lungenfenster. Man erkennt neben Gaseinschlüssen in der Darmwand auch Gas in der Magenwand und in zahlreichen Gefäßen, so auch in den Pfortaderästen der Leber.

intestinalis in der Computertomographie bei Darmischämie. Lungenfenster zur besseren Darstellung der Gaseinlagerungen in die Darmwände.

superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and intestinal ischemia in liver cirrhosis. Coronal reformats demonstrated an incomplete intra-luminal filling defect within the superior mesenteric vein (white arrow). The splenic vein (red arrow) and visualised main portal vein is patent. The liver is cirrhotic and there is ascites.

superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and intestinal ischemia in liver cirrhosis. Axial CT confirmed a thrombus within the superior mesenteric vein. There is hypoattenuation of the ileum and ascending colon with mesenteric stranding and ascites consistent with intestinal ischemia.

superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and intestinal ischemia in liver cirrhosis. A loop of ileum demonstrated the fat halo sign seen in bowel ischemia - submucosal inflammation (low attenuation inner layer) surrounded by high-attenuation hyperemic outer layer.

ischaemia. Coronal section showing air in the dilated intestinal walls as well as in the hepatic veins.

bowel disease. Dilated small bowel loops suggesting presence of ileus. Gastro-jejunal tube tip in the left upper quadrant. Left hip joint partial replacement. Contrast is noted in the rectum from previous study in outside facility.

bowel disease. Axial view shows portal venous gas with preferential affection of the left hepatic lobe. Bilateral pleural effusion and ascites.

bowel disease. Axial view shows no appreciable mural enhancement in most of the small and large bowel loops. Splanchnic venous gas streaking the distal venous tributaries reaching non-enhanced bowel loops.
Siehe auch:
- Pneumoperitoneum
- Pneumatosis intestinalis
- Aerobilie
- Infarkt des Omentum majus
- Dünndarmileus
- Mesenterialinfarkt
- Schockdarm
- portalvenöses Gas
- Vaskulitis
- Arteria mesenterica inferior
- Dünndarmischämie
- intraperitonealer fokaler lipomatöser Infarkt
- Mesenterialvenenthrombose
- intramurale Gaseinschlüsse
- small bowel necrosis
- ischämische Kolitis
- non occlusive mesenteric ischemia
- acute radiation enteritis
- chronic radiation enteritis
- pneumatosis portalis
- akuter Verschluss der Arteria mesenterica superior
- Verschluss der Arteria mesenterica superior
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