Luxationen der oberen Extremität

fixierte Schulterluxation nach vorne oben mit beginnender Neoartikulation zwischen Humeruskopf und Klavikula (!). Der Rollstuhlfahrer hatte regelmäßig auch axiale Belastung auf diesem Neugelenk.

extremity dislocations • Anterior shoulder dislocation - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

extremity dislocations • Trans-scaphoid perilunate dislocation - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

extremity dislocations • Dislocation of interphalangeal joint - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

extremity dislocations • Proximal interphalangeal joint dislocation - fifth finger - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

extremity dislocations • Elbow dislocation - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Upper extremity dislocations are relatively common on account of the great range of motion the upper limb is capable of (a general principle is that the greater the range of motion of a joint, the more prone it is to dislocation). In many instances dislocations are associated with fractures either at the same joint (e.g. glenoid fractures in the setting of shoulder dislocation) or remote to the dislocation (e.g. Monteggia fracture dislocation)
- sternoclavicular joint dislocation
- acromiclavicular joint dislocation
- shoulder dislocation
- elbow dislocation
- carpal dislocations
- carpometacarpal joint dislocation
- metacarpophalangeal joint dislocation
- interphalangeal joint dislocation
Siehe auch:
- interphalangeal joint dislocation
- Monteggia-Fraktur
- Schulterluxation
- Ellenbogenluxation
- perilunäre Luxation
- Scapholunäre Dissoziation
- Lunatumluxation
- Radiusköpfchenluxation
- karpale Luxationen
- Luxation Sternoklavikulargelenk
- acromiclavicular joint dislocation
- posterior dislocation
- inferior dislocation
- Luxation nach vorne
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