Weichteilverkalkungen der Hand

soft tissue lesions of the hand and wrist: a pictorial review. Myositis ossificans of the thenar in a 7-year-old boy presenting with pain and swelling at the thumb (active phase). a Plain radiograph. Note calcifications (arrow) in the thenar. b Axial SE T2-WI shows an ill-defined intramuscular mass that is hyperintense with central areas of low signal. Additionally, there is an intralesional area of heterogeneous low signal, corresponding to the calcifications on plain films (arrow)

radiograph showing tumoral calcinosis (metastatic calcification) in a patient on dialysis.

Oblique hand
radiograph showing tumoral calcinosis (metastatic calcification) in a patient on dialysis.

identification and analysis of soft tissue musculoskeletal calcifications. Calcifying tendinopathy of flexor carpi ulnaris. Oblique radiograph of the wrist shows HADD in the flexor carpi ulnaris with amorphous cloudlike calcifications (arrowhead)

• Scleroderma - hand manifestations - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

identification and analysis of soft tissue musculoskeletal calcifications. Systemic Sclerosis. Posteroanterior radiograph of the hand shows tumoural calcinosis in the soft tissue (arrow). Note acro-osteolysis (arrowhead) and atrophy of soft tissue (curved arrow), characteristic of systemic sclerosis

identification and analysis of soft tissue musculoskeletal calcifications. Periarticular calcifications following corticoid injection. (a) Frontal, (b) oblique and (c) lateral radiographs of the wrist show palmar soft tissue calcifications (arrowhead) following carpal tunnel injection of corticoid
Weichteilverkalkungen der Hand
Weichteilverkalkungen Radiopaedia • CC-by-nc-sa 3.0 • de
Soft tissue calcification is commonly seen and caused by a wide range of pathology.
Differential diagnosis
There is a wide range of causes of soft tissue calcification :
- dystrophic soft tissue calcification (most common)
- vascular
- arterial calcification
- phleboliths
- metabolic
- CPPD (causing chondrocalcinosis)
- metastatic calcification
- idiopathic tumoral calcinosis
- autoimmune diseases
- infection
- neoplasm
- primary or metastatic osteosarcoma
- synovial osteochondromatosis
- trauma
- myositis ossificans
- tendonitis
- injection site granuloma
- surgical scar
- burn
- others
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