nottingham classification
The Nottingham classification is used at the end of work up of a breast lesion to help guide management.
- A = malignant
- lesion needs surgical excision regardless of biopsy result
- B = indeterminate
- will accept a benign biopsy result, but only if it is congruent with imaging, i.e. a well circumscribed mass is allowed to come back with fibroadenoma but a result of 'normal breast tissue' will not be accepted
- C = benign
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- additional (supplementary) views
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- spot view
- double spot compression view
- magnification view
- exaggerated craniocaudal (axillary) view
- cleavage view
- tangential views
- caudocranial view
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- rolled CC view
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- 20° oblique projection
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- breast morphology
- breast intervention
- breast pathology
- malignant lesions
- breast cancer
- breast adenocarcinoma
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- extensive intraductal component
- invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise specified
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- malignant papillary lesions of the breast
- lobular breast carcinoma
- ductal breast carcinoma
- adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast
- apocrine carcinoma of the breast
- breast cancer metastases
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- breast sarcoma
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- intracystic breast cancer
- male breast cancer
- malignant phyllodes tumor
- metastases to the breast
- metaplastic carcinoma the breast
- gamuts
- breast adenocarcinoma
- breast cancer
- borderline breast disease / high risk breast lesion
- atypical ductal hyperplasia
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- columnar alteration with prominent apical snouts and secretions (CAPSS)
- flat epithelial atypia
- lobular intraepithelial neoplasia (LIN III)
- papillary lesions of the breast
- radial scar / complex sclerosing lesion
- sclerosing adenosis
- benign lesions
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- benign papillary lesions of the breast
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- solitary papilloma of breast
- papilloma
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- fibroadenoma
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- morphology
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- punctate microcalcification within breast
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- microcalcifications within breast
- distribution
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- regional calcification
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- stromal calcification within breast tissue
- artifactual calcification from outside the breast
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- gamuts
- classification systems
- malignant lesions
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