Chronic unilateral airspace opacification (differential)
Chronic unilateral airspace opacification is a subset of the differential diagnoses for airspace opacification. An exhaustive list of all possible causes of chronic unilateral airspace opacities is long, but a useful framework is as follows:
- neoplastic
- post obstructive
- lymphoma
- lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia (LIP)
- adenocarcinoma
- infective
- tuberculosis
- fungal lung infection, especially in immunocompromised patients
- incompletely treated infection
- inflammatory: usually bilateral, but may be asymmetrical
- other
- lipoid pneumonia
- pulmonary hemorrhage: not chronic, but recurrent
- pulmonary alveolar proteinosis: usually bilateral, by may be asymmetrical
- radiation pneumonitis
Siehe auch:
- Tuberkulose
- Konsolidierung der Lunge
- Sarkoidose
- Kryptogene organisierende Pneumonie (COP)
- Lymphom
- Granulomatose mit Polyangiitis
- Lungenblutung
- Alveolarproteinose
- In Situ Adenokarzinom der Lunge
- Lipidpneumonie
- lymphozytisch interstitielle Pneumonie
- chronic bilateral airspace opacification
- acute unilateral airspace opacification
- acute bilateral airspace opacification
- Strahlenpneumonitis
- pulmonale Eosinophilie
- acute airspace opacities
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