intra-cranial cystic lesions in the perinatal period
Intracranial cystic lesions in the perinatal period can carry a relatively wide differential which includes:
Supratentorial cystic lesions
- cysts
- cystic-like lesions
- ventriculomegaly from
- extreme hydrocephalus: fetal hydrocephalus
- premature atrophy
- cavum septum pellucidum
- cavum veli interpositi
- cavum vergae
- large schizencephalic cleft
- ventriculomegaly from
Infratentorial / posterior fossa lesions
- arachnoid cyst
- Blake pouch cyst
- Dandy Walker continuum
- mega cisterna magna
- vermian-cerebellar hypoplasia
See also
Siehe auch:
- Arachnoidalzyste
- Mega Cisterna magna
- Xanthogranulome des Plexus choroideus
- Hydrocephalus
- Cavum septi pellucidi et vergae
- konnatale Zysten neben den Ventrikelvorderhörnern
- Schizenzephalie
- Cavum septi pellucidi
- Holoprosencephalie
- Blake's-Pouch-Zyste
- fetal intracranial cystic lesions
- periventrikuläre Leukomalazie
- Dandy Walker continuum
- Porenzephalie
- Cavum veli interpositi Zyste
- kongenitaler Hydrozephalus
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