lytische Läsionen der Mandibula

lesions of the mandible (differential) • Odontogenic keratocyst - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

lesions of the mandible (differential) • Floating teeth - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

lesions of the mandible (differential) • Squamous cell carcinoma - mandible - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

lesions of the mandible (differential) • Dental abscess extending into the submandibular space - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

lesions • Dentigerous cyst - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

lesions of the mandible (differential) • Lucent lesions of the jaw (diagram) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Masses of
developmental and genetic origin affecting the paediatric craniofacial skeleton. Typical manifestations of nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS) in a 16-year-old boy. a Orthopantomography (OPT) shows cystic lesions of the mandible and maxilla (arrows), with unilocular and multilocular pattern and smooth or scalloped borders associated with displaced and unerupted permanent teeth. b Coronal CT scan (bone window) shows ectopic calcifications of the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli (arrows) and spotted meningeal calcifications (arrowheads). Brain MRI reveals a cavum veli interpositi on axial T2 (asterisk in c) and coronal contrast-enhanced T1 (asterisk in d) and also vermian dysgenesis (arrowheads in d)

Ameloblastoma. A) Hypodense lesion in the mandibular body with cortical thining (arrows). B) A cystic extension/loculation is visible anteriorly to the right portion of the mandibular body, causing cortical bone disruption (thick arrow).

Ameloblastoma. A) and B) The cystic extension/loculation is visible anteriorly to the right mandibular body, showing an anterior enhancing septum (arrows).

Ameloblastoma. Large bubbly lucent lesion in the mandibular body (arrows).

xray 2 years
after placement then 7 years later in a heavy smoker. Shows progression of periimplantitis

lesions of the mandible (differential) • Myeloma of the mandible - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Lucent lesions of the mandible are not uncommon and may be the result of odontogenic or non-odontogenic processes. Lucency may be conferred by a cystic process (e.g. periapical cyst) or a lytic process (e.g. mandibular metastases).
- periapical (radicular) cyst (60% of odontogenic cystic lesions )
- periapical abscess
- dentigerous (follicular) cyst
- odontogenic keratocyst (keratocystic odontic tumor)
- ameloblastoma
- primordial cyst of the jaw
- residual cyst of the jaw
- cystic odontoma
- fibrous dysplasia/cherubism
- mandibular metastases
- squamous cell carcinoma invading mandible
- multiple myeloma
- giant cell granuloma
- aneurysmal bone cyst
- peripheral nerve sheath tumor of mandible
- traumatic bone cyst of jaw (simple cyst)
- Stafne cyst
- brown tumor
- Langerhans cell histiocytosis
- Gorham disease
See also
Siehe auch:
- Fibröse Dysplasie
- Ameloblastom
- Multiples Myelom
- Cherubismus
- dentigerous cyst
- Keratozystischer odontogener Tumor
- Sklerosierung Unterkiefer
- Tumoren der Mandibula
- aseptische Knochenekrose der Mandibula bei Bisphosphonattherapie
- Osteomyelitis der Mandibula
- giant cell granuloma
- Wurzelspitzenzysten
- Stafne-Knochenkavität
- Läsionen der Mandibula
- residual cyst of the jaw
- primordial cyst of the jaw
- aneurysmatische Knochenzyste der Mandibula
und weiter:

Knochenekrose der Mandibula bei Bisphosphonattherapie