testicular mass

Leydig cell
tumor of the testis: an incidental finding at 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging. a Testicular US shows a well-circumscribed, encapsulated mass at the upper pole of the right testicle, measures 1.1 x 1.1 cm. b Color Doppler image shows significant internal vascularity of mass

testicular seminoma (at left), with right testicle (at right), ultrasound image

mass: a rare presentation of Richter"s syndrome. USS right testicle showing diffuse enlargement with hypervascularity
testicular mass
Siehe auch:
- Keimzelltumor
- Chorionkarzinom
- Seminom
- Makroorchidie
- Lipom des Hodens
- Metastasen im Hoden
- unilateral testicular lesions
- paratestikuläre Läsionen
- Tuberkulose des Hodens und Nebenhodens
- testicular sarcoidosis
- Teratom des Hodens
- Leydig-Zell-Tumor des Hodens
- testicular adrenal rests
- bilateral testicular masses
- testicular yolk sac tumour
- maligne Neoplasien des Hodens
- testicular cancer staging
- nichtseminomatöser Keimzelltumor
- Dottersacktumor
- testicular germ cell tumour
- juveniler Granuloszelltumor des Hodens
- Lymphom des Hodens
- testicular mixed germ cell tumour
und weiter:
- genitourinary curriculum
- Hodentorsion
- testicular epidermoid
- Hoden
- Carney-Komplex
- Liposarkom des Hodens
- cystic lesions of the testes
- testicular mixed germ cell tumours
- malignant mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis testis
- Tumoren des Skrotums
- gemischt osteolytisch osteoblastische Knochenmetastasen
- testicular plasmacytoma
- Germinom des ZNS
- intrakranieller Keimzelltumor
- intracranial germ cell tumours