traumatic aortic injury
Traumatic aortic injury (TAI) is most often caused by blunt trauma (referred to as BTAI) and is best described in terms of injury location, type and severity:
See traumatic aortic injury in the exam.
Related Radiopaedia articles
Aortic pathology
- acute aortic syndrome
- aortic aneurysms
- inflammatory
- congenital
- traumatic aortic injury
- miscellaneous
Siehe auch:
- adult chest radiograph common exam pathology
- thorakale Aortenverletzungen
- Normale Herzkonfiguration im Röntgen-Thorax
- adult chest radiograph set-pieces
- chest radiograph in the exam setting
- Verletzungen der Aorta abdominalis
- pleural cap
und weiter:
- Aortenruptur
- Thoraxtrauma
- endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR)
- endovaskuläre Therapie des Bauchaortenaneurysmas
- blunt traumatic aortic injury in a traumatized child
- blunt traumatic intramural aortic hematoma
- blunt traumatic dissection and thrombosis of the celiac artery extending from a diaphragmatic aortic lesion
- intramurales Hämatom der Aorta