Cushing syndrome

Cushing syndrome is due to the effects of excessive glucocorticoids which may be exogenous or endogenous.
Cushing disease refers to glucocorticoid excess solely due to an adrenocorticotropic hormone-secreting pituitary adenoma, while Cushing syndrome encompasses all etiologies of glucocorticoid excess .
Clinical presentation
Typically, patients have the following clinical features :
- rounded face, sometimes described as 'moon-shaped'
- progressive centripetal obesity and weight gain
- prominent supraclavicular fat pad, sometimes known as a 'buffalo hump'
- purple skin striae
- easy skin bruising
- acanthosis nigricans
- proximal myopathy
- depression and other mood disorders
- osteoporosis
- hypertension
- hyperglycemia and development of overt diabetes mellitus
- immunosuppression and recurrent infections
Female patients with Cushing syndrome may also have signs of androgen excess (e.g. hirsutism, acne, changes in libido, virilisation) and menstrual changes . Features of androgen excess are not present in men as the adrenal glands are not a major source of androgens in men .
Furthermore, certain patient groups may demonstrate additional or atypical clinical features depending on the etiology of Cushing syndrome :
- patients with Cushing disease:
- hyperpigmentation, because melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) share the same precursor molecule, proopiomelanocortin (POMC)
- clinical features as a result of an intracranial mass (see: pituitary adenoma)
- patients with ectopic ACTH secretion (e.g. secondary to small cell lung cancer):
- cachexia
- hyperpigmentation, because ACTH has an alpha MSH sub-unit as part of its structure
- patients with an adrenal carcinoma:
- cachexia
In modern Western populations, iatrogenic steroid administration for treatment of inflammatory condition is the most common cause, e.g. asthma, rheumatoid arthritis.
Endogenous sources of excess cortisol production include:
- adrenal adenoma: 20%
- primary pigmented nodular adrenal dysplasia (PPNAD): rare
- ACTH-secreting tumor: 80%
- pituitary adenoma: 85% (i.e. Cushing disease)
- ectopic production: 15%
- lung cancer: small cell lung cancer, bronchial carcinoid
- small cell cancers of the thymus
- pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor
- pheochromocytoma
- benign ovarian tumors
- adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-independent macronodular adrenocortical hyperplasia (AIMAH): rare cause of ACTH-independent Cushing syndrome
- corticotropin-releasing hormone-secreting tumor: very rare
- hypothalamic tumors
- ectopic production
The workup of Cushing syndrome requires measurement both of cortisol as well as ACTH. Measuring cortisol typically needs to be over a 24 hour period because release is intermittent.
Radiographic features
Imaging of the suspected region is then required:
- CT or MRI for adrenal glands
- MRI (or CT) for pituitary gland
If ACTH is elevated but no microadenoma can be identified, and no ectopic source can be found, then inferior petrosal sinus sampling can be undertaken. Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia is one of the most common findings on abdominal CT.
ACTH-secreting pituitary microadenomas may be unapparent on imaging in 40-50% of cases.
Treatment and prognosis
Management depends on the specific etiology .
- bilateral adrenalectomy in a patient with Cushing disease can lead to the development of Nelson syndrome
History and etymology
It is named after Harvey Williams Cushing (1869-1939), a pioneering American neurosurgeon, who first described a patient with hypercorticism .
Siehe auch:
- Rheumatoide Arthritis
- Nebennierenadenom
- Hypophyse
- Hypophysenadenom
- inferior petrosal sinus sampling
- Kleinzelliges Lungenkarzinom
- Kleinhirnbrücken-Symptomatik
- primary pigmented nodular adrenal dysplasia (PPNAD)
- adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-independent macronodular adrenocortical hyperplasia
- Cushing-Syndrom 3
- abnormale subkutane und viszerale Fettverteilung
und weiter:
- genitourinary curriculum
- epidurale Lipomatose
- Lungenkarzinom
- medulläre Nephrokalzinose
- Nebennierenblutung
- Polyzystisches Ovarialsyndrom
- Verkalkungen der Nebennnieren
- Gefäßverkalkungen
- polycystic ovaries
- Hippocampusatrophie
- beschleunigte Skelettreifung
- differential diagnosis of osteoporosis
- thymic carcinoid tumour
- bilateral micronodular adenomatosis
- bronchiales Karzinoid
- Dysmorphie Hippocampus