
Syndrome with associated meningocoele and Sprengel deformity. Klippel-Feil syndrome associated with occipitocervical meningocoele

Syndrome with associated meningocoele and Sprengel deformity. Occipitocervical vermis hypoplasia with meningocoele

• Lateral thoracic meningocele - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

• Transsphenoidal meningocele - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Newborn with
an occipital protuberance. Axial (above left) and sagittal (below left) T1 and axial (above right) and sagittal (below right) T2 MRI without contrast of the cervical spine show a midline occipital mass which is not covered with subcutaneous fat that contains fluid centrally and which communicates via a thin tract to a protruding CSF space just below and contiguous to the cisterna magna through a discontinuity in the subcutaneous fat.The diagnosis was a cervical meningocele.

Newborn with
a bump on the back that is not covered by skin. Sagittal (above left) and axial (above right) T1 MRI without contrast of the spine shows a posterior defect at the S2 level that allows the spinal canal to communicate with a cyst that is not covered by skin or subcutaneous fat. Sagittal (below left) and axial (below right) T2 MRI shows the cyst does not contain any neural tissue.The diagnosis was meningocele.
Meningoceles are protrusions of the meninges through a defect or weak point in the skull or spine, usually involving the soft tissues beneath the surface of the skin. They are typically categorized into congenital, iatrogenic (e.g. following a craniotomy, sinus surgery, or as a laminectomy complication), and spontaneous.
- cranial meningocele
- congenital cranial meningocele
- acquired cranial meningocele
- spinal meningocele
- congenital spinal meningocele
- acquired spinal meningocele
A differential diagnosis for both spinal and cranial acquired meningoceles are pseudomeningoceles, which are CSF collections not lined by dura.
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