Depositional arthropathy
Depositional arthropathy refers to a group of joint disorders caused by the depositional of substances within and/or around joints.
Diseases include:
Related Radiopaedia articles
- autoimmune
- degenerative
- osteoarthritis (mnemonic)
- post-traumatic osteoarthritis
- erosive osteoarthritis
- grading
- Kellgren and Lawrence system
- osteoarthritis of the hip - grading
- osteoarthritis of the knee - grading
- rapidly destructive osteoarthritis of the hip
- osteoarthritis of the hand
- osteoarthritis of the knee
- scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal (STT) arthritis
- osteoarthritis of the vertebral column
- osteoarthritis of the TMJ
- primary cystic arthrosis of the hip
- secondary synovial osteochondromatosis
- osteoarthritis (mnemonic)
- depositional
- infectious
- miscellaneous disorders
- related articles