angiomyolipoma (AML)
Angiomyolipomas (AMLs) refer to hamartomatous lesions composed of abnormal, thick-walled vessels (i.e. angio) and varying amounts of smooth muscle–like cells (i.e. myo) and adipose tissue (i.e. lipoma) They predominantly occur in the kidney (renal angiomyolipoma) but occasionally occur in other organs such as the liver (hepatic angiomyolipoma).
Very rarely they can occur in unusual locations such as
- skin - cutaneous angiomyolipoma
- pancreas - angiomyolipoma of the pancreas
- retroperitoneum - retroperitoneal angiomyolipoma
Siehe auch:
- Angiomyolipom der Niere
- Myelolipom Nebenniere
- Nierenzellkarzinom
- Lymphangioleiomyomatose
- retroperitoneales Liposarkom
- Onkozytom
- Nephroblastom
- Angiomyolipom der Leber
- Angiomyolipom des Pankreas
und weiter:
- Lipom
- genitourinary curriculum
- junktionaler Parenchymdefekt der Niere
- Liposarkom
- xanthogranulomatöse Pyelonephritis
- Nierentumor
- lipomatous lesions
- Adenomyolipom
- bilateral giant renal angiomyolipomas
- renal cell carcinoma and multiple angiomyolipomas in a patient with tuberous sclerosis
- perivascular epithelioid cell tumours
- Angiomyolipome der Niere bei tuberöser Sklerose
- retroperitoneales Hamartom
- eingeblutetes Angiomyolipom
- Angiomyolipom der Milz
- perivaskulärer epitheloidzelliger Tumor (PECom)