
Germinoma •
Germinoma - intracranial - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

resonance imaging of pineal region tumours. Germinoma in a 12-month-old girl. Poorly-lobulated mass arising from the pineal gland (arrow), which has intermediate to high signal on sagittal T1-weighted image (a) and axial T2-weighted image (b), and shows contrast enhancement on sagittal T1-weighted image (c). Disseminated tumour (arrowhead) is also seen in the lateral and third ventricles with prominent enhancement. The tumour shows no restricted diffusion (d). MR spectroscopy at 1.5 T using a single voxel (2 × 2 × 2 cm3) acquisition with PRESS demonstrates elevated choline peak (*) and slightly decreased NAA peak (**) (e). Corresponding T1-weighted image post contrast shows the location of the voxel around the lesion (f)

Germinoma •
Pineal germinoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Germinoma is a term that if unqualified, usually refers to a tumor of the brain but can also refer to similar tumors of other regions particularly the ovary and testis.
- dysgerminoma of the ovary
- seminoma of the testis
- CNS germinoma: see WHO classification of CNS tumors
All these tumors share similar histology but obviously have very different imaging manifestations and clinical presentation. They are therefore discussed separately.
Related Radiopaedia articles
Germ cell tumours
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- non-seminomatous germ cell tumors
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- testicular germ cell tumor
- ovarian germ cell tumor
- intracranial germ cell tumors
- intracranial germinoma
- non-germinomatous germ cell tumors
- intracranial embryonal carcinoma
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- intracranial choriocarcinoma
- intracranial mixed germ cell
- intracranial teratoma
- immature intracranial teratoma
- mature intracranial teratoma
- intracranial teratoma with malignant transformation
- mediastinal germ cell tumors
- mediastinal germinoma
- mediastinal non-germinomatous germ cell tumors
- mediastinal embryonal carcinoma
- mediastinal yolk sac tumor
- mediastinal choriocarcinoma
- mediastinal mixed germ cell
- mediastinal teratoma
- immature mediastinal teratoma
- mature mediastinal teratoma
- mediastinal teratoma with malignant transformation
- gonadal germ cell tumors
Siehe auch:
- Tumoren der Pinealisregion
- Keimzelltumor
- WHO-Klassifikation der Tumoren des zentralen Nervensystems
- Seminom
- intrakranielles Germinom
- dysgerminoma
- Ovar
- Germinom des ZNS
- intrakranieller Keimzelltumor
- supraselläres Germinom
und weiter:
- Tumoren der Hypophysenregion
- verdickter Hypophysenstiel
- Pinealiszyste
- Pituitary MRI (an approach)
- Pineoblastom
- Pineozytom
- neuroradiologisches Curriculum
- Germinom der Glandula pinealis
- solid and enhancing pituitary region mass
- mass involving the foramen of Monro or/and superior third ventricle
- mediastinal malignant germinoma
- hypothalamic germinoma
- basal ganglia germinoma
- germinoma of the third ventricle
- periventrikuläres ZNS-Germinom
- intracranial germ cell tumours